It seems this particular ‘future youth chief’ got nothing better to do. He is typical ‘Makcik Joyah’. Someone of a busy body kind.
I think what he’s doing is for show only. He had a few terms as Menteri Besar to show what he’s capable of doing. I guess he failed as the people of Selangor rejected him.
He’s doing this to show that he really cares for the rakyat and a responsible politician. And not forgetting, the show is for the upcoming UMNO Youth Election.
His favourite word today is ‘quit’! He wanted everyone to quit. I think he should stalk every single ADUNs, go to their house and ask them to quit. He doesn’t need any reason for doing that.
He’s giving negative impression to the rakyat that BN are sour grapes. As if BN can’t accept. What he’s doing is not being a good opposition. The rakyats are disgusted with this immature act.
Let the state government do their job. This is the chosen government. If the current government fail to perform, let the rakyat decide whether they wanna have a new government.
He got no right to talk about morality or sensitivity or whatever ‘ty’. So don’t ask anyone to quit. If he thinks he’s voicing what the rakyat wants, I guess he’s wrong.
If he can recall, ‘Semuanya OK!’ wasn’t something that comes from the rakyat. The land clearing act that was OK-ed by him is part of his downfall. Him being powerless to curb the act shows that he’s basically a puppet or someone who care-less about the rakyat’s sentiment.
So, why now the sudden change turning into a rakyat’s champion? What we need is a leader who works for the rakyat consistently, not seasonally. Him making all these noises shows he got nothing to do. Same when he was in power, he did nothing!
I think those in power right now regardless UMNO or BN should consider their strategy. They should advice someone like Khir Toyo to just shut up. What he’s doing is damaging. Nicely put, the rakyats are disgusted with his childish.
This patronizing and whining style of politicking is from the ancient civilization. The rakyats are not stupid. They don’t accept things easily. And you’re talking about people from Selangor, the most advanced state in Malaysia. Penang, Perak, Kelantan and this state of Selangor have the most difficult voters.
It’s not easy to please these voters. If you work for the rakyat, you’ll be rewarded come next election. If you’re whining 6 y/old, continue whining and you’ll be rewarded with a pacifier (putting).
What we can conclude, people like Khir Toyo are simply sour grapes. They can’t accept lost like a gentleman. What they should do now is reflect on their lost and make amend. When you’re no more in power, there’s no better time than now for them to forge closer ties with the rakyat.
Take this lost as an opportunity to reflect on their mistakes and do the necessary things to rectify it.
Is this whining baby our future youth leader who one day might lead this country? If the answer is positive, may God help this nation. With him in leadership, everything may not necessary be OK because he’ll close his eyes and says “Semuanya OK.” To all my fellow Malaysian, I rest my case!
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