Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pink Tudung and Mat Rempit


Who are these SYT in pink tudungs? Do they serve any purpose or merely a more dignified escort? Tan Sri Tengku Ahmad Rithaudden recently suggested to abolish UMNO’s wings is one of the freshest ideas ever heard in UMNO for the last errr… years.

You have Wanita, Pemuda, Puteri and Putera UMNO. What’s missing is ‘Kanak-Kanak UMNO’ wing. Come on lah. Why so many wings? They don’t serve any purpose. And some of them are redundant. How do you differentiate between Wanita and Puteri? Oh yes, we differentiate from the tudungs, red for moms and pink for daughters. What about grandmas and granddaughters?

Should they wear red and pink stripped tudungs?

All these wings serve only one purpose, which is to give legitimate positions in the party to the so called potential leaders. UMNO long realized the potential of some women and young individuals, but unfortunately doesn’t have enough room for them in the higher echelon. The solution….create wings for them to lead. And recently we have 2 more wings, puteri and the ‘unofficial’ putera.

OK, I have to admit. Wanita and Pemuda are needed to nurture future leaders. What about Puteri and Putera? Are they merely Servants and Mat Rempits? Can someone please tell me, what can Puteri and Putera does that couldn’t be achieved by both Wanita and Pemuda? I bet no one can justify this.

All these years Wanita and Pemuda have performed their job very well. And a few years back, new wings cropped within the existing wings.

At this point of time what UMNO need is concerted effort from everyone. There shouldn’t divisions where each wings have their own set of plans. UMNO need only 1 set of plan to strengthen the party and everyone should follow through it. Everyone in UMNO will claim that they’re one at heart despite serving under ‘different’ wings. But can’t they see the word “different” there? Twins will always be twins; they can never be ‘one’. Every twin has their own mindset and desire.

Putera currently being led a not so Putera aged leader. I find some of the ideas proposed by the Head of Putera UMNO bordering pathetic. One of them was to rehabilitate Mat Rempits? And look at what we have today? They’re much more daring than they used to be. Probably because “I’m a Putera UMNO!” Everyone knows that you can’t easily make Mat Rempits disappear.

Police have been trying that for God knows how many years. And one smart Putera thought of using reverse psychology to win them. Come on, look at the bikes. Do they have reverse gear?

You can’t reverse psycho a hard core Rempit. They’ll make you go psycho.

This ‘noble’ act sometimes creates disgust among the rakyat. Here we try to sleep in peace and over there someone organizing a huge gathering of Mat Rempits. Mat Rempits are ordinary folks like us only with fire raging hormones that crave attention. They’re not Mat Rempits all the time. They only rempit when they’re together, or when delivering pizza to my house. The more attention you give to them, the cockier they’ll get.

I don’t see Puteri playing effective or significant role in UMNO. Like Putera, they’re of age where they need to be nurtured by seniors in Wanita. A makcik should lead her daughter. That should be the way. You can’t make a junior lead another junior. This is not ‘Kelab Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya’.

From what I can see they are just ornaments at UMNO’s functions, manning booth, ushering guest and carrying trays. Infact they’re liabilities. Giving responsibility to juniors is like creating trouble unto you. They tend to screw things.

I’ve spoken to many Puteris and asked them “Why you join Puteri UMNO?” They can’t give me convincing answer except “Dah kawan-kawan ajak…” Do you think majority (both guys and girls) 20+ y/o understand true meaning of ‘perjuangan’ and ‘hak orang Melayu’? I don’t think so. These are Akademi Fantasia Generation. They only understand ‘entertainment’ and ‘sms’.

My solution is simple. Get rid of Puteri and Putera. Concentrate with Wanita and Pemuda. In this trying time for UMNO, they can’t afford to be segregated. Fewer wings are better. You’ll be more focus, more concerted and easier to monitor. Honestly, I’m a bit divided about abolishing Puteri UMNO, as I find girls in pink tudungs are much cuter than makciks in red.

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