This is a low blow. C’mon! It’s not fair. I know you have every right to do so but using this law showed desperation on the part of the state government.
I’m talking about the 2nd MP from PKR being denied entry into Sarawak. The reason given was that he’s not from Sarawak, so he’s not entitled to enter the state without permit or pass.
I don’t understand?? We’re talking about another state within Malaysia. I do understand Sarawak has special arrangement in regards to Immigration law. What I’m trying to understand is why the sudden interest in pursuing this section of the immigration law? Why now?
This is a Member of Parliament. MP R. Sivarasa is not a hardcore criminal. He’s not there to plan a robbery. If he’s someone of dubious background, ban him from moving an inch in this country. Tie him to the flag pole at Dataran Merdeka.
What’s funny, he was in Sarawak last July for World Rainforest Music Festival. Within 7 months MP Sivarasa has turned from a politician into a persona non grata.
What’s next? Who’s next? It’s like the Wild Wild West. You can shoot anyone without justification. In this case, you can ban anyone from entering your state without any reason.
These are the kind of action that will make the ‘rakyat’ hate the government. Leaders who acted like a recalcitrant is a sure bet to be given the boot by the ‘rakyat’ come next election.
Just imagine in the next general election, how many members from the Opposition parties will be denied entry into Sarawak? I’m not surprised Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Hadi Awang and even Dr.Lo’Lo Mohd. Ghazalie will be the next victim.
I think it’s high time the state and federal government look into this ancient Immigration Law.
The world is getting smaller. Travelling between Peninsular and East Malaysia is getting cheaper and faster. Simply put it, everything have changed except the Immigration Law. And I don’t think such law is relevant anymore
When the government is trying to bridge the gap between people in Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia, this ancient law is pushing them apart.
I’ve never foresee that one day I will face problem travelling to Sarawak. Unfortunately after reading this piece of news, it can happen to anybody. And the sad part is, the person behind it will abuse this law as they see fit. If this continues, the state government is signing their own death warrant. An advice to BN, forget about campaigning in Sarawak. No point in doing so because the state government has charted their own demise. Why waste the money, might as well spend it on the poor in Sabah.
Giving low blows to your opposing fighter won’t help you garner support. It might backfire, where the ‘rakyat’ sympathize with the opposing fighter.
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