This is something unexpected. In this trying time I was expecting everyone include both government and private sectors to contribute something to ease the rakyats burden. But I heard this morning was the opposite.
5 highways will be increasing their toll rates on the 1st of March 2009. These highways are PLUS, SPRINT, Ampang – KL Highway, NPE & BESRAYA.
The banks are doing something to the repayment period. This move will give more disposable income to the customers.
But unfortunately the highway operators are doing the opposite. There won’t be mush decrease in volumes on highways that will affect their revenues. I was hoping the highway operators to be much more charitable this time around. I thought they might consider waiving this year’s increase. Unfortunately, I’m wrong. Capitalist will forever be a capitalist.
Some highway operator might argue that they don’t have enough volumes to justify keeping old toll rates. I understand where their coming from. What about PLUS Highway? Don’t tell me PLUS doesn’t have enough volume to consider no toll increase? Come on, rakyats are not blind to gauge that PLUS is in fact making tones of money.
Recently the government sugar coated our wallet with the sudden closer of 2 toll plazas on NPE and BESRAYA Highways. I’m not sure about NPE, but the for sure BESRAYA is not getting cash compensation. But there’s something fishy behind all these closures. Like I said earlier, being a capitalist, toll operators are not going to give up a money making device like toll plazas without a fight. And later I was proven right.
BESRAYA was given the task to extend their highway and this will include a toll plaza. You see…
You demolish one and they’ll set up another later on. Their argument is to justify constructing the extension for BESRAYA Highway. That’s not the end of it. And today they got them a toll increase.
Why must we put up with all these nonsense? Why can’t the government buy over the highways? Maybe 2 or 3 highways if not all.
When times were good then or maybe later, the government should consider buying over PLUS, Penang Bridge, SPRINT and LITRAK. I’m not suggesting buying them all of them together.
Maybe they can start with PLUS. Once bought, the government should charge at a very minimum to cover cost and a little bit of profit or keep at existing amount. This will add another cash cow to the government’s coffer.
This action shows the government isn’t being sympathetic towards the rakyats. They’re more concern about the well being of the conglomerate. Yea… they can say that this is to ensure highway operators can stay afloat in this trying time. Come on, they can stay afloat now; it means they can stay afloat for a very long time.
The Opposition parties will use the issue of toll increase to the max come next by-election. This gives much reason for the rakyat to hate the government more.
When banks are doing something to help increase the rakyat’s disposable income, the toll operators are taking that away! At the end of the day, we’re back to square one.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I was talking with a friend who works with the custom department handling export items at Port Klang. He looked quite worried. For a former student leader, he being worry is something that you should worry about. He’s someone who would speak his mind.
The situation at the port contradicts whatever being said about our economy. Go to Port Klang and look at the container terminal. It’s empty. Not like it used to be.
Warehouses are also empty. You can play a game of Futsal there. Trucks are rare sights there.
You don’t the usual traffic of trucks carrying goods around Port Klang. We discussed further on other indicators for bad economy.
Many trading companies are suffering. Imports are suffering because there are not many demands locally and the manufacturer abroad are also facing credit crunch to supply more if there is such demand.
Export is also on a decline. Many factories are shutting down production line to reduce output.
This affected not only employees (when they can’t do overtime) but also vendors that supply components and raw materials.
How do we overcome this situation? Many suggest that we increase expenditure. I suggest we make more babies! That’s for long term solution. Tun Dr.Mahathir once suggested 70 million populations.
It’s a good idea actually. With that kind of population we can actually be self reliant. Our local demand can support local production. When economics turbulence attacking other nations, we can rely on local demands to spur the economy.
Pak Lah made a good start in trying to revive the agricultural sector. But the implementation is something of the opposite. Holland and Taiwan are good example for us to emulate. Both countries are almost self reliant where agriculture sector is concern.
I don’t have any land to toil. But I have a dream of having my own pineapple plantation. My plan was to plant pineapples under all high voltage cables running across the country. Those lands under it are basically underutilized. Some argued it generates ‘generous’ amount of harmful electromagnetic wave. I guess, that’s for me to find out. Whatever it is, we have plenty of resources to spur our economy. We need to be innovative in finding unorthodox solution during this economic downturn.
No point having stimulus package if we don’t know how to use it. We can throw a lot of money into the economy. The money is gone but we don’t see anything out of it.
Penang is one of the state worst affected. The state government is busy stabilizing the social structure but I don’t see much solution on the economy. They still need help from the federal government. The manufacturing sector hasn’t fully recovered from 1997-98 and now they’re experiencing another downturn and the tourism sector will never go back to its former glory.
Whoever plans to be in power come next general election need to come up with an extremely long term solution. The state no longer produces cheap goods. They’re not producing extremely high tech products and no longer a beautiful resort island. And the only reason why Malaysian throngs this island on weekly basis is to fulfill their hunger for delicious food! I don’t see any other solution for this except total re-branding!
To embrace whatever re-branding exercise, Penangites need also change their mindset, and this includes politicians too. And let me tell you something, despite claiming to be a developed state, penangites have among the most least developed mindset in this country. Tak percaya kah?
I was talking with a friend who works with the custom department handling export items at Port Klang. He looked quite worried. For a former student leader, he being worry is something that you should worry about. He’s someone who would speak his mind.
The situation at the port contradicts whatever being said about our economy. Go to Port Klang and look at the container terminal. It’s empty. Not like it used to be.
Warehouses are also empty. You can play a game of Futsal there. Trucks are rare sights there.
You don’t the usual traffic of trucks carrying goods around Port Klang. We discussed further on other indicators for bad economy.
Many trading companies are suffering. Imports are suffering because there are not many demands locally and the manufacturer abroad are also facing credit crunch to supply more if there is such demand.
Export is also on a decline. Many factories are shutting down production line to reduce output.
This affected not only employees (when they can’t do overtime) but also vendors that supply components and raw materials.
How do we overcome this situation? Many suggest that we increase expenditure. I suggest we make more babies! That’s for long term solution. Tun Dr.Mahathir once suggested 70 million populations.
It’s a good idea actually. With that kind of population we can actually be self reliant. Our local demand can support local production. When economics turbulence attacking other nations, we can rely on local demands to spur the economy.
Pak Lah made a good start in trying to revive the agricultural sector. But the implementation is something of the opposite. Holland and Taiwan are good example for us to emulate. Both countries are almost self reliant where agriculture sector is concern.
I don’t have any land to toil. But I have a dream of having my own pineapple plantation. My plan was to plant pineapples under all high voltage cables running across the country. Those lands under it are basically underutilized. Some argued it generates ‘generous’ amount of harmful electromagnetic wave. I guess, that’s for me to find out. Whatever it is, we have plenty of resources to spur our economy. We need to be innovative in finding unorthodox solution during this economic downturn.
No point having stimulus package if we don’t know how to use it. We can throw a lot of money into the economy. The money is gone but we don’t see anything out of it.
Penang is one of the state worst affected. The state government is busy stabilizing the social structure but I don’t see much solution on the economy. They still need help from the federal government. The manufacturing sector hasn’t fully recovered from 1997-98 and now they’re experiencing another downturn and the tourism sector will never go back to its former glory.
Whoever plans to be in power come next general election need to come up with an extremely long term solution. The state no longer produces cheap goods. They’re not producing extremely high tech products and no longer a beautiful resort island. And the only reason why Malaysian throngs this island on weekly basis is to fulfill their hunger for delicious food! I don’t see any other solution for this except total re-branding!
To embrace whatever re-branding exercise, Penangites need also change their mindset, and this includes politicians too. And let me tell you something, despite claiming to be a developed state, penangites have among the most least developed mindset in this country. Tak percaya kah?
Pink Tudung and Mat Rempit
Who are these SYT in pink tudungs? Do they serve any purpose or merely a more dignified escort? Tan Sri Tengku Ahmad Rithaudden recently suggested to abolish UMNO’s wings is one of the freshest ideas ever heard in UMNO for the last errr… years.
You have Wanita, Pemuda, Puteri and Putera UMNO. What’s missing is ‘Kanak-Kanak UMNO’ wing. Come on lah. Why so many wings? They don’t serve any purpose. And some of them are redundant. How do you differentiate between Wanita and Puteri? Oh yes, we differentiate from the tudungs, red for moms and pink for daughters. What about grandmas and granddaughters?
Should they wear red and pink stripped tudungs?
All these wings serve only one purpose, which is to give legitimate positions in the party to the so called potential leaders. UMNO long realized the potential of some women and young individuals, but unfortunately doesn’t have enough room for them in the higher echelon. The solution….create wings for them to lead. And recently we have 2 more wings, puteri and the ‘unofficial’ putera.
OK, I have to admit. Wanita and Pemuda are needed to nurture future leaders. What about Puteri and Putera? Are they merely Servants and Mat Rempits? Can someone please tell me, what can Puteri and Putera does that couldn’t be achieved by both Wanita and Pemuda? I bet no one can justify this.
All these years Wanita and Pemuda have performed their job very well. And a few years back, new wings cropped within the existing wings.
At this point of time what UMNO need is concerted effort from everyone. There shouldn’t divisions where each wings have their own set of plans. UMNO need only 1 set of plan to strengthen the party and everyone should follow through it. Everyone in UMNO will claim that they’re one at heart despite serving under ‘different’ wings. But can’t they see the word “different” there? Twins will always be twins; they can never be ‘one’. Every twin has their own mindset and desire.
Putera currently being led a not so Putera aged leader. I find some of the ideas proposed by the Head of Putera UMNO bordering pathetic. One of them was to rehabilitate Mat Rempits? And look at what we have today? They’re much more daring than they used to be. Probably because “I’m a Putera UMNO!” Everyone knows that you can’t easily make Mat Rempits disappear.
Police have been trying that for God knows how many years. And one smart Putera thought of using reverse psychology to win them. Come on, look at the bikes. Do they have reverse gear?
You can’t reverse psycho a hard core Rempit. They’ll make you go psycho.
This ‘noble’ act sometimes creates disgust among the rakyat. Here we try to sleep in peace and over there someone organizing a huge gathering of Mat Rempits. Mat Rempits are ordinary folks like us only with fire raging hormones that crave attention. They’re not Mat Rempits all the time. They only rempit when they’re together, or when delivering pizza to my house. The more attention you give to them, the cockier they’ll get.
I don’t see Puteri playing effective or significant role in UMNO. Like Putera, they’re of age where they need to be nurtured by seniors in Wanita. A makcik should lead her daughter. That should be the way. You can’t make a junior lead another junior. This is not ‘Kelab Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya’.
From what I can see they are just ornaments at UMNO’s functions, manning booth, ushering guest and carrying trays. Infact they’re liabilities. Giving responsibility to juniors is like creating trouble unto you. They tend to screw things.
I’ve spoken to many Puteris and asked them “Why you join Puteri UMNO?” They can’t give me convincing answer except “Dah kawan-kawan ajak…” Do you think majority (both guys and girls) 20+ y/o understand true meaning of ‘perjuangan’ and ‘hak orang Melayu’? I don’t think so. These are Akademi Fantasia Generation. They only understand ‘entertainment’ and ‘sms’.
My solution is simple. Get rid of Puteri and Putera. Concentrate with Wanita and Pemuda. In this trying time for UMNO, they can’t afford to be segregated. Fewer wings are better. You’ll be more focus, more concerted and easier to monitor. Honestly, I’m a bit divided about abolishing Puteri UMNO, as I find girls in pink tudungs are much cuter than makciks in red.
Who are these SYT in pink tudungs? Do they serve any purpose or merely a more dignified escort? Tan Sri Tengku Ahmad Rithaudden recently suggested to abolish UMNO’s wings is one of the freshest ideas ever heard in UMNO for the last errr… years.
You have Wanita, Pemuda, Puteri and Putera UMNO. What’s missing is ‘Kanak-Kanak UMNO’ wing. Come on lah. Why so many wings? They don’t serve any purpose. And some of them are redundant. How do you differentiate between Wanita and Puteri? Oh yes, we differentiate from the tudungs, red for moms and pink for daughters. What about grandmas and granddaughters?
Should they wear red and pink stripped tudungs?
All these wings serve only one purpose, which is to give legitimate positions in the party to the so called potential leaders. UMNO long realized the potential of some women and young individuals, but unfortunately doesn’t have enough room for them in the higher echelon. The solution….create wings for them to lead. And recently we have 2 more wings, puteri and the ‘unofficial’ putera.
OK, I have to admit. Wanita and Pemuda are needed to nurture future leaders. What about Puteri and Putera? Are they merely Servants and Mat Rempits? Can someone please tell me, what can Puteri and Putera does that couldn’t be achieved by both Wanita and Pemuda? I bet no one can justify this.
All these years Wanita and Pemuda have performed their job very well. And a few years back, new wings cropped within the existing wings.
At this point of time what UMNO need is concerted effort from everyone. There shouldn’t divisions where each wings have their own set of plans. UMNO need only 1 set of plan to strengthen the party and everyone should follow through it. Everyone in UMNO will claim that they’re one at heart despite serving under ‘different’ wings. But can’t they see the word “different” there? Twins will always be twins; they can never be ‘one’. Every twin has their own mindset and desire.
Putera currently being led a not so Putera aged leader. I find some of the ideas proposed by the Head of Putera UMNO bordering pathetic. One of them was to rehabilitate Mat Rempits? And look at what we have today? They’re much more daring than they used to be. Probably because “I’m a Putera UMNO!” Everyone knows that you can’t easily make Mat Rempits disappear.
Police have been trying that for God knows how many years. And one smart Putera thought of using reverse psychology to win them. Come on, look at the bikes. Do they have reverse gear?
You can’t reverse psycho a hard core Rempit. They’ll make you go psycho.
This ‘noble’ act sometimes creates disgust among the rakyat. Here we try to sleep in peace and over there someone organizing a huge gathering of Mat Rempits. Mat Rempits are ordinary folks like us only with fire raging hormones that crave attention. They’re not Mat Rempits all the time. They only rempit when they’re together, or when delivering pizza to my house. The more attention you give to them, the cockier they’ll get.
I don’t see Puteri playing effective or significant role in UMNO. Like Putera, they’re of age where they need to be nurtured by seniors in Wanita. A makcik should lead her daughter. That should be the way. You can’t make a junior lead another junior. This is not ‘Kelab Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya’.
From what I can see they are just ornaments at UMNO’s functions, manning booth, ushering guest and carrying trays. Infact they’re liabilities. Giving responsibility to juniors is like creating trouble unto you. They tend to screw things.
I’ve spoken to many Puteris and asked them “Why you join Puteri UMNO?” They can’t give me convincing answer except “Dah kawan-kawan ajak…” Do you think majority (both guys and girls) 20+ y/o understand true meaning of ‘perjuangan’ and ‘hak orang Melayu’? I don’t think so. These are Akademi Fantasia Generation. They only understand ‘entertainment’ and ‘sms’.
My solution is simple. Get rid of Puteri and Putera. Concentrate with Wanita and Pemuda. In this trying time for UMNO, they can’t afford to be segregated. Fewer wings are better. You’ll be more focus, more concerted and easier to monitor. Honestly, I’m a bit divided about abolishing Puteri UMNO, as I find girls in pink tudungs are much cuter than makciks in red.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Politicians Killing Our Sports
Politics and sports are what P.Ramlee described as ‘lagu dan irama’, song and melody. They can’t be separated. And this is what you see here in Malaysia.
Majorities of sports associations in Malaysia are led by politicians. If they’re not leading, you’ll either see them sitting in the exco or AJKs. Cast a stone at any sports association and you’ll definitely hit a politician. If you’re lucky you’ll hit them in the head and bring them back to reality that ‘politicians are not needed in sports administrations.’
I don’t see politicians as being anything special besides than their oratory, kiss ass and perhaps leadership skill. Some take their leadership skill a bit overboard. They have the notion that a leader can lead almost anything be it the rakyat, the nation or sports association. They think that they’re God’s gift to the rakyat, to lead them out of obscurity, and same goes with sports associations. They are to lead them out of oblivion. Yeah, right. Look at how far Malaysians have progressed in sports?
I don’t see them as bringing much benefits to the sports and the nation in general. Their politicking act is slowly killing the sports. Some politicians have too much on their plate that I find it hard to fathom how can they manage all these responsibilities?
First they’re ADUNS or Member of Parliament. Secondly, some of them are Ministers or Chief Ministers. Next, they’re also ‘Ketua Bahagian’ and also sit in the party supreme council. Lastly, they’re President of PENGULUM (Persatuan Guli Ulung Malaysia). And not forgetting their responsibility towards their wife and children, and their other wives too.
How can they give equal attention to all these responsibilities? Their argument is that they have assistants to help with all the responsibilities (I hope they didn’t ask the assistants to help with the wife). They need to be reminded that they were the one who was elected to the post, not their assistants. Might as well vote the assistants instead to lead, rite?
Lack of serious attention by the leadership caused many sports associations to suffer. Development programs weren’t implemented according what’ve agreed upon. Management in total chaos. Squabbles within the rank. Athletes being neglected. These are syndromes that are currently inflicted most of our sports associations. And this lead to our downfall. We can claim to be the 2nd best nation at SEA Games. But please, for how long SEA Games gonna be our benchmark? We should at least aim to be among the best in Asia.
There’s also another syndrome that being inflicted by politicians. Whenever a sports association led by passionate individuals managed to produce successful athletes, in short notice you’ll see politicians homing in on them (sports association). They’ll start throwing money or flexing their influence trying to convince members of the said association that they can do better once elected into the board or presidency. Sometimes these leaders are also shameless parasites. They failed at fulfilling their promises but try to hang on to their position for as long as possible despite many in the association opposing them. This is a prime example of shameless act of selfishness.
I heard Shahidan Kassim is offering his service to lead Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM). He’s leading Malaysian Amateur Athletic Association (MAAU), Amateur Swimming Union of Malaysia (ASUM), Kabaddi Association of Malaysia (KAM), Perlis Football Association and now he plan to add OCM into his collection of presidencies. I suggest he should also try the presidency for Persatuan Guli Ulung Malaysia (PENGULUM). He got better chances there.
We were once number one in athletics in South East Asia. Where are we now? Have our swimmers progressed beyond SEA Games? I’m not sure about Kabbadi, but firstly he should at least make effort to popularize it before anything else. So, what plan he has for OCM?
I think he and other politicians should stop this at once. Let passionate individuals or former athletes handle their respective associations. They should know what’s best for the sports.
As for Shahidan Kassim, he should do something else to occupy his time. Maybe he should take up knitting or flower arrangement to kill time. He’s not bringing any good to any of these sports associations; there are others who can do much better. For the betterment of our sports, other politicians should also consider this frank advice. Leave sports associations alone. Concentrate on your constituents. The rakyats are the ones who need your tender loving care.
Politics and sports are what P.Ramlee described as ‘lagu dan irama’, song and melody. They can’t be separated. And this is what you see here in Malaysia.
Majorities of sports associations in Malaysia are led by politicians. If they’re not leading, you’ll either see them sitting in the exco or AJKs. Cast a stone at any sports association and you’ll definitely hit a politician. If you’re lucky you’ll hit them in the head and bring them back to reality that ‘politicians are not needed in sports administrations.’
I don’t see politicians as being anything special besides than their oratory, kiss ass and perhaps leadership skill. Some take their leadership skill a bit overboard. They have the notion that a leader can lead almost anything be it the rakyat, the nation or sports association. They think that they’re God’s gift to the rakyat, to lead them out of obscurity, and same goes with sports associations. They are to lead them out of oblivion. Yeah, right. Look at how far Malaysians have progressed in sports?
I don’t see them as bringing much benefits to the sports and the nation in general. Their politicking act is slowly killing the sports. Some politicians have too much on their plate that I find it hard to fathom how can they manage all these responsibilities?
First they’re ADUNS or Member of Parliament. Secondly, some of them are Ministers or Chief Ministers. Next, they’re also ‘Ketua Bahagian’ and also sit in the party supreme council. Lastly, they’re President of PENGULUM (Persatuan Guli Ulung Malaysia). And not forgetting their responsibility towards their wife and children, and their other wives too.
How can they give equal attention to all these responsibilities? Their argument is that they have assistants to help with all the responsibilities (I hope they didn’t ask the assistants to help with the wife). They need to be reminded that they were the one who was elected to the post, not their assistants. Might as well vote the assistants instead to lead, rite?
Lack of serious attention by the leadership caused many sports associations to suffer. Development programs weren’t implemented according what’ve agreed upon. Management in total chaos. Squabbles within the rank. Athletes being neglected. These are syndromes that are currently inflicted most of our sports associations. And this lead to our downfall. We can claim to be the 2nd best nation at SEA Games. But please, for how long SEA Games gonna be our benchmark? We should at least aim to be among the best in Asia.
There’s also another syndrome that being inflicted by politicians. Whenever a sports association led by passionate individuals managed to produce successful athletes, in short notice you’ll see politicians homing in on them (sports association). They’ll start throwing money or flexing their influence trying to convince members of the said association that they can do better once elected into the board or presidency. Sometimes these leaders are also shameless parasites. They failed at fulfilling their promises but try to hang on to their position for as long as possible despite many in the association opposing them. This is a prime example of shameless act of selfishness.
I heard Shahidan Kassim is offering his service to lead Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM). He’s leading Malaysian Amateur Athletic Association (MAAU), Amateur Swimming Union of Malaysia (ASUM), Kabaddi Association of Malaysia (KAM), Perlis Football Association and now he plan to add OCM into his collection of presidencies. I suggest he should also try the presidency for Persatuan Guli Ulung Malaysia (PENGULUM). He got better chances there.
We were once number one in athletics in South East Asia. Where are we now? Have our swimmers progressed beyond SEA Games? I’m not sure about Kabbadi, but firstly he should at least make effort to popularize it before anything else. So, what plan he has for OCM?
I think he and other politicians should stop this at once. Let passionate individuals or former athletes handle their respective associations. They should know what’s best for the sports.
As for Shahidan Kassim, he should do something else to occupy his time. Maybe he should take up knitting or flower arrangement to kill time. He’s not bringing any good to any of these sports associations; there are others who can do much better. For the betterment of our sports, other politicians should also consider this frank advice. Leave sports associations alone. Concentrate on your constituents. The rakyats are the ones who need your tender loving care.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
A Note To Tan Sri Jins Samsudin

In this trying time our film and broadcasting industry need a total makeover. It has been more than 10 years since 1997-98 economic crisis. Before then, the industry was at its most lucrative stage. Lucrative for everyone including the artist, producers and tv station.
If you ask any production crew then, they can afford to own a car. Free flowing job offers where they have to decline some. Everyone was enjoying as if good times gonna last forever. When 1997-98 hit, many was hard hit.
There were surplus of finished products. At the same time advertisers stopped spending on advertisement. When it happened no one was prepared for it. Many have to ‘cari makan’ elsewhere. There were some who defaulted on their loans, including automobile and property.
Many opted to take pay cut with whatever small production jobs that was offered just to stay afloat. Since then the scenario in film and broadcasting changed.
The thing is, when the industry has somewhat recovered from the economic crisis, things haven’t change in film and tv land. I’m not sure people in this industry are as slow as a slacking sloth or they simply couldn’t be bothered with the changes?
If you ask me has the salary and remuneration for those in this line have changed since then?
My answer would be “Not much”. What’s funny they use the word ‘gawat’ religiously to justify their lack of budget. I don’t agree with ‘gawat’ as a reasoning or lack of budget. The budget hasn’t changed much but the cost has risen with time. That’s the reason, not ‘gawat’ or ‘bajet ciput’.
The tv stations haven’t changed much when it comes to budget given to the production houses to produce dramas or tv programs. Because of stiff competition today, the stations haggle on pricing. You have to agree with their price or you stand to get nothing if they decided to give it to someone else.
This is also another problem for those in tv and film production, there’s no sense of solidarity between them. One will back stab another friend just to get a RM10k job. And today technologies are getting cheaper.
You can produce a tv program with RM7k DV camera. Gone were the days where Betacam was the industry standard. I can’t remember when was the last time I worked with Betacam? You can edit a tv program on your laptop or MAC/PC at home. No need for RM100k+ editing machine. A film graduate can set up a basic production house with RM10k! So, I guess you don’t need an increase in budgeting for your tv program? Not really, there are still other things that have increased like ‘artis jual mahal’.
Now we’re facing another economic crisis. Will this be another 1997-98? I’m not sure. The only thing got affected is the tv commercial productions. Not many tv commercials have been produced lately. You can see this during recent festive season. Not many new tv commercials for Hari Raya and Chinese New Year. I can only recall Petronas producing tv commercials consistently. It’s because they can afford it.
Besides than budget constraint in the part of advertisers, another element that contributed to the lack of tv commercials is Made In Malaysia (MIM) certificate. MIM is a protective mechanism employed to protect local tv production, especially tv commercial productions.
Under this ruling, any production to be aired locally must be made by Malaysian, in Malaysia with Malaysian talents. TV commercials made abroad with foreign talents are not allowed. There were a few cases where foreign talents and directors were used. But they somehow managed to get the necessary permits to go ahead with it. It helps to spur the economy specifically our local film and tv productions. Our creative industry was kept alive by this ruling.
In recent years this MIM ruling has somehow relaxed to the extend foreign tv commercials can easily be aired on our tv channels. The advertisers find no reason to produce tv commercials for Malaysian market.
Change the tagline and voice over, they can make do with 1 standard tv commercial for worldwide release. This is what killing the industry. Some might argue that protectionism will kill any industry when we don’t have competition from abroad. For this industry, the competition is within this country. We compete to increase our share of the sales pie. Our imagination is our limit. For as long we understand the products, the targeted consumers and others are doing abroad, we can compete ‘internally’.
Only RTM religiously ask for MIM. If RTM stop practicing it, the tv commercial production industry can collapse. What is the government doing about this?
What has Jins Shamsudin done about this?
FINAS was under him. Don’t tell me he doesn’t know about this? I don’t think he has done enough for the industry to merit National Arts Award. He was someone representing the industry in the senate. Looking at the predicaments facing the industry today, he has done nothing or probably not much!

It seems this particular ‘future youth chief’ got nothing better to do. He is typical ‘Makcik Joyah’. Someone of a busy body kind.
I think what he’s doing is for show only. He had a few terms as Menteri Besar to show what he’s capable of doing. I guess he failed as the people of Selangor rejected him.
He’s doing this to show that he really cares for the rakyat and a responsible politician. And not forgetting, the show is for the upcoming UMNO Youth Election.
His favourite word today is ‘quit’! He wanted everyone to quit. I think he should stalk every single ADUNs, go to their house and ask them to quit. He doesn’t need any reason for doing that.
He’s giving negative impression to the rakyat that BN are sour grapes. As if BN can’t accept. What he’s doing is not being a good opposition. The rakyats are disgusted with this immature act.
Let the state government do their job. This is the chosen government. If the current government fail to perform, let the rakyat decide whether they wanna have a new government.
He got no right to talk about morality or sensitivity or whatever ‘ty’. So don’t ask anyone to quit. If he thinks he’s voicing what the rakyat wants, I guess he’s wrong.
If he can recall, ‘Semuanya OK!’ wasn’t something that comes from the rakyat. The land clearing act that was OK-ed by him is part of his downfall. Him being powerless to curb the act shows that he’s basically a puppet or someone who care-less about the rakyat’s sentiment.
So, why now the sudden change turning into a rakyat’s champion? What we need is a leader who works for the rakyat consistently, not seasonally. Him making all these noises shows he got nothing to do. Same when he was in power, he did nothing!
I think those in power right now regardless UMNO or BN should consider their strategy. They should advice someone like Khir Toyo to just shut up. What he’s doing is damaging. Nicely put, the rakyats are disgusted with his childish.
This patronizing and whining style of politicking is from the ancient civilization. The rakyats are not stupid. They don’t accept things easily. And you’re talking about people from Selangor, the most advanced state in Malaysia. Penang, Perak, Kelantan and this state of Selangor have the most difficult voters.
It’s not easy to please these voters. If you work for the rakyat, you’ll be rewarded come next election. If you’re whining 6 y/old, continue whining and you’ll be rewarded with a pacifier (putting).
What we can conclude, people like Khir Toyo are simply sour grapes. They can’t accept lost like a gentleman. What they should do now is reflect on their lost and make amend. When you’re no more in power, there’s no better time than now for them to forge closer ties with the rakyat.
Take this lost as an opportunity to reflect on their mistakes and do the necessary things to rectify it.
Is this whining baby our future youth leader who one day might lead this country? If the answer is positive, may God help this nation. With him in leadership, everything may not necessary be OK because he’ll close his eyes and says “Semuanya OK.” To all my fellow Malaysian, I rest my case!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
1. I you wanna jump into politics? Malaysian politics to be precise? You need to master a few ‘kemahiran’
2. The ability to jump like a frog. “The higher you jump, the harder you fall” does not fit into
3. Malaysian Politics equilibrium. Jumping will take you to higher ground.
4. Learn to speak without thinking.
5. Never remember what you’ve spoken yesterday. It’ll forever haunt you.
6. Learn how to ‘derhaka’
7. Do not mind your own business
8. Eat lotsa ‘Tempe’ if you aim to be pleasing in the eye of your constituents
9. Do not maintain your car. The state government will take care of it.
10. Get a blog but get someone to write for you.
11. Befriend ‘bomohs’ and ‘pawangs’.
12. Always carry an electronic device to check for bugs and hidden cameras.
13. Have a PhD. Anything from USA or England worth quite a lot in terms of career prospect. Worst case scenario, anything from Sudan is good enough.
14. Knows how to sing. Memories a song or two. “My Way” never failed to impress.
15. Go after local celebrities. Make them 2nd or 3rd wife.
16. Have colorful arrays of ‘Baju Melayu’ but only black colored songkoks. Do not try to emulate the late Sudirman’s Baju Melayu.
17. Don’t learn to speak English
18. Have selective amnesia
19. Fight for presidency of any sports association. Kabbadi and Silambam are good enough. If there ain’t enough for all politicians, create new ones. Persatuan Guli Unggul Malaysia (PENGULUM), Kesatuan Lompat Katak Kebangsaan (KELOPAK) or Kersatuan Congkak Kebangsaan (KOKAK).
20. Play badminton
21. Support Manchester United
22. Do not question your leader
23. Make sure your sons are AP holder. Not 1 AP but a few APs.
24. Learn to say “It wasn’t me” or “Let the court decide”
25. Must not have any food allergies. Due to lotsa functions and meetings you have to attend, be
prepared to have a gamut of food!
26. Always remember that the rakyats are no smarter than you. That’s why they got you to represent them.
27. Develop good sense of humor. Preferably jokes where you the only one who understands it.
28. Practice your plastic smile and master beauty queen wave.
29. Have a stunt double, in case you infuriate some kampong folks.
30. Always give whatever the constituents wants.
Above are some of the qualities needed to be a politician in Malaysia regardless race or political parties you support. This list might expand over time. But remember, whatever quality you might have, cash money does make wonders. I have RM10 in my bank account and I wanna be a politician.
1. I you wanna jump into politics? Malaysian politics to be precise? You need to master a few ‘kemahiran’
2. The ability to jump like a frog. “The higher you jump, the harder you fall” does not fit into
3. Malaysian Politics equilibrium. Jumping will take you to higher ground.
4. Learn to speak without thinking.
5. Never remember what you’ve spoken yesterday. It’ll forever haunt you.
6. Learn how to ‘derhaka’
7. Do not mind your own business
8. Eat lotsa ‘Tempe’ if you aim to be pleasing in the eye of your constituents
9. Do not maintain your car. The state government will take care of it.
10. Get a blog but get someone to write for you.
11. Befriend ‘bomohs’ and ‘pawangs’.
12. Always carry an electronic device to check for bugs and hidden cameras.
13. Have a PhD. Anything from USA or England worth quite a lot in terms of career prospect. Worst case scenario, anything from Sudan is good enough.
14. Knows how to sing. Memories a song or two. “My Way” never failed to impress.
15. Go after local celebrities. Make them 2nd or 3rd wife.
16. Have colorful arrays of ‘Baju Melayu’ but only black colored songkoks. Do not try to emulate the late Sudirman’s Baju Melayu.
17. Don’t learn to speak English
18. Have selective amnesia
19. Fight for presidency of any sports association. Kabbadi and Silambam are good enough. If there ain’t enough for all politicians, create new ones. Persatuan Guli Unggul Malaysia (PENGULUM), Kesatuan Lompat Katak Kebangsaan (KELOPAK) or Kersatuan Congkak Kebangsaan (KOKAK).
20. Play badminton
21. Support Manchester United
22. Do not question your leader
23. Make sure your sons are AP holder. Not 1 AP but a few APs.
24. Learn to say “It wasn’t me” or “Let the court decide”
25. Must not have any food allergies. Due to lotsa functions and meetings you have to attend, be
prepared to have a gamut of food!
26. Always remember that the rakyats are no smarter than you. That’s why they got you to represent them.
27. Develop good sense of humor. Preferably jokes where you the only one who understands it.
28. Practice your plastic smile and master beauty queen wave.
29. Have a stunt double, in case you infuriate some kampong folks.
30. Always give whatever the constituents wants.
Above are some of the qualities needed to be a politician in Malaysia regardless race or political parties you support. This list might expand over time. But remember, whatever quality you might have, cash money does make wonders. I have RM10 in my bank account and I wanna be a politician.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Bukit Selambau Part 1
by C.C Toh
Total Voters: 34,977 Race Percentage: M:50.20% C:19.25% I:29.53% L:1.02% 1.
V. Arumugam (Bebas) (13,225) 2. S. Krishnan (BN) (10,863) Majority: 2,362
Total vote: 26,450 Voters percentage: 75.62% Damage vote: 2,362 Former
Assemblyman: Datuk V. Saravanan (BN)(Majoriti: 7,695 undi)
Every Malaysian will once again will focus their attention to Bukit Selambau. After 11 months being Bukit Selambau Assemblyman, V. Arumugam had resigned immediately, causing shock to the whole nation.
He tendered his resignation as Kedah Exco a few days after several complaints made by the 500 residents of Sungai Petani. Hence, by-election will be held at N25 Bukit Selambau.
The Election Commission of Malaysia had announced that the Bukit Selambau nomination date is on March 29 and the by-election will be conducted on 7th of April 2009.
Bukit Selambau was famous once after the winning of PAS in 12th National Election on 8th of March, last year.
The N25 was famous after a controversial decision on November last year, announced by Kedah’s PAS State Government to endorse a HIGH-TECH PIG FARM PROJECT at Bukit Selambau.
The project had been cancelled by PAS state government due to environmental factors and series of demonstrations.
The candidates. Traditionally, Bukit Selambau seat was contested by MIC, but UMNO Merbok had a press statement demanding the seat.
The seat was won by "bebas" candidate V.Arumugam on the last national election over S.Krishnan of MIC.
Arumugam then joined PKR and become one of the Kedah State Exco. PAS had also in deed wants the seat and ex-PPP woman chief also offer to contest as "bebas".
MIC demands of the Bukit Selambau seat due it was traditionally contested. MIC got a good track record on winning the seat for 3 consecutive national elections.
It was a great win by Datuk V.Saravanan with 7695 majority!
Will Najib answer the Samy Vellu’s call? The rumors said that ex Lunas assemblyman, Dato’ Ganesan had started the game by meeting with local UMNO leaders to gain support.
UMNO Merbok’s Division, Datuk Tajul Urus, demands contestant for N25 Bukit Selambau assembly seat will be chosen from UMNO.
The reason is due to the majority of 50.2% of Malays in the DUN and that seat was one of the UMNO seat before it was compromised to MIC.
Will Najib make the right path for Tajul’s demand?
While PAS is also in conflict with PKR demanding the seat from Pakatan Rakyat, PAS notice that the Malays are the majority in DUN Bukit Selambau and of course they are worried to lose the DUN’s seat if Malay voters go for UMNO’s candidate!
Will PKR just simply allowing the seat to be given to PAS easily? Will PKR’ de facto leader compromised the seat and hurts his Indian buddies? Let us wait and see.
There must be a good "drama" to be watched. The rumors spread that 6 candidates are now lobbying to contest the seat!
Four buses are seen to enter Bukit Selambau area campaigning for the candidates.
Some of them are eager to meet Merbok’s Parliament Member to gain support from him.
What a chaos for PKR! In the meanwhile, the Malays PKR also setting up their own candidate. It seems to be a fiesta among them.
How about the Ex-PPP G. Sarala? Suddenly she claimed that she will gain good support due to her locality. She looked so confident to win the people of Bukit Selambau votes! So optimistic! While ex MIC "Puteri" also rumored to contest the by-election on "bebas" ticket.
Two "bebas" females’ candidates for Bukit Selambau?
DAP also had been said to take part in this game. The rumors saying that two candidates are now lobbying their position in contesting the Bukit Selambau’ DUN.
Will they "cut" out PKR and PAS to represent Pakatan Rakyat?
If the candidate presented by BN or PR are Indians form MIC or PKR, and G. Sarala be a "bebas" candidate, I was assured by a good friend of mine that he will definitely contesting the N25 Bukit Selambau DUN’s seat.
He is Malay. He is very well known among the Bukit Selambau residents of Malays, Chinese, Indians and Siamese.
Well wide experience in politic though he was ex-UMNO leader in UMNO Merbok Division.
He quit UMNO at the same day as Tun Dr. Mahathir. But he will contest in one condition, "the BN candidate must be an Indian" than he will join the battle of the "hill"!
It can be a fiesta of democracy in Bukit Selambau or it can be turn to be a disaster for Bukit Selambau residents?
The people will judge. The people will use their power to choose the best candidate.
They will get a lot of choice and make sure that they will choose someone who is with "moral values".
Total Voters: 34,977 Race Percentage: M:50.20% C:19.25% I:29.53% L:1.02% 1.
V. Arumugam (Bebas) (13,225) 2. S. Krishnan (BN) (10,863) Majority: 2,362
Total vote: 26,450 Voters percentage: 75.62% Damage vote: 2,362 Former
Assemblyman: Datuk V. Saravanan (BN)(Majoriti: 7,695 undi)
Every Malaysian will once again will focus their attention to Bukit Selambau. After 11 months being Bukit Selambau Assemblyman, V. Arumugam had resigned immediately, causing shock to the whole nation.
He tendered his resignation as Kedah Exco a few days after several complaints made by the 500 residents of Sungai Petani. Hence, by-election will be held at N25 Bukit Selambau.
The Election Commission of Malaysia had announced that the Bukit Selambau nomination date is on March 29 and the by-election will be conducted on 7th of April 2009.
Bukit Selambau was famous once after the winning of PAS in 12th National Election on 8th of March, last year.
The N25 was famous after a controversial decision on November last year, announced by Kedah’s PAS State Government to endorse a HIGH-TECH PIG FARM PROJECT at Bukit Selambau.
The project had been cancelled by PAS state government due to environmental factors and series of demonstrations.
The candidates. Traditionally, Bukit Selambau seat was contested by MIC, but UMNO Merbok had a press statement demanding the seat.
The seat was won by "bebas" candidate V.Arumugam on the last national election over S.Krishnan of MIC.
Arumugam then joined PKR and become one of the Kedah State Exco. PAS had also in deed wants the seat and ex-PPP woman chief also offer to contest as "bebas".
MIC demands of the Bukit Selambau seat due it was traditionally contested. MIC got a good track record on winning the seat for 3 consecutive national elections.
It was a great win by Datuk V.Saravanan with 7695 majority!
Will Najib answer the Samy Vellu’s call? The rumors said that ex Lunas assemblyman, Dato’ Ganesan had started the game by meeting with local UMNO leaders to gain support.
UMNO Merbok’s Division, Datuk Tajul Urus, demands contestant for N25 Bukit Selambau assembly seat will be chosen from UMNO.
The reason is due to the majority of 50.2% of Malays in the DUN and that seat was one of the UMNO seat before it was compromised to MIC.
Will Najib make the right path for Tajul’s demand?
While PAS is also in conflict with PKR demanding the seat from Pakatan Rakyat, PAS notice that the Malays are the majority in DUN Bukit Selambau and of course they are worried to lose the DUN’s seat if Malay voters go for UMNO’s candidate!
Will PKR just simply allowing the seat to be given to PAS easily? Will PKR’ de facto leader compromised the seat and hurts his Indian buddies? Let us wait and see.
There must be a good "drama" to be watched. The rumors spread that 6 candidates are now lobbying to contest the seat!
Four buses are seen to enter Bukit Selambau area campaigning for the candidates.
Some of them are eager to meet Merbok’s Parliament Member to gain support from him.
What a chaos for PKR! In the meanwhile, the Malays PKR also setting up their own candidate. It seems to be a fiesta among them.
How about the Ex-PPP G. Sarala? Suddenly she claimed that she will gain good support due to her locality. She looked so confident to win the people of Bukit Selambau votes! So optimistic! While ex MIC "Puteri" also rumored to contest the by-election on "bebas" ticket.
Two "bebas" females’ candidates for Bukit Selambau?
DAP also had been said to take part in this game. The rumors saying that two candidates are now lobbying their position in contesting the Bukit Selambau’ DUN.
Will they "cut" out PKR and PAS to represent Pakatan Rakyat?
If the candidate presented by BN or PR are Indians form MIC or PKR, and G. Sarala be a "bebas" candidate, I was assured by a good friend of mine that he will definitely contesting the N25 Bukit Selambau DUN’s seat.
He is Malay. He is very well known among the Bukit Selambau residents of Malays, Chinese, Indians and Siamese.
Well wide experience in politic though he was ex-UMNO leader in UMNO Merbok Division.
He quit UMNO at the same day as Tun Dr. Mahathir. But he will contest in one condition, "the BN candidate must be an Indian" than he will join the battle of the "hill"!
It can be a fiesta of democracy in Bukit Selambau or it can be turn to be a disaster for Bukit Selambau residents?
The people will judge. The people will use their power to choose the best candidate.
They will get a lot of choice and make sure that they will choose someone who is with "moral values".
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Pening In Penang

I’m from Penang. A true blue Penangite. Whenever I have my long break, the only place I could think of is Penang. I don’t wanna go anywhere else. Everything is there. We have good food, nice chicks, good sets of hills, used-to -be-nice beaches, historical buildings and confusing roads (that’s what people told me). So there’s no reason for me to go anywhere else.
Penangites are a unique bunch of people. Like someplace else, they swears at their long lost friends before even greet them. Whenever they give direction to vacationers, they’ll tell them
“Look for Komtar and you won’t get lost”. Penangites worships food. And they’re quite thrifty too. They won’t pay for any food that cost more than RM 5.00.
I once went to a school where the teachers don’t allow us to speak any language except English. If not for that visionary thought, I won’t be writing here. Some of the students there can also speak or understand more than 3 languages. I know some non Chinese who speaks Hokkien. Even I can understand smattering Hokkien. My favourite mamak mee goreng speaks 5 languages. I swear that Penang is a country on its own.
Take politics for example. Once, a future Prime Minister was from Penang. Current Prime Minister is from Penang. The late first Prime Minister spent his retirement in Penang and the 4th Prime Minister called this island ‘Darul Sampah’! Where else on earth can you find an island being glorified as being rubbish?
Penang has a unique political scenario. Whatever it is, a Malay can never the Chief Minister. I have no problem with this. In fact I take it as a blessing in disguise. From this silent agreement, the best Malay politicians don’t have to waste his time on this island state. They can focus their time to serve directly at national level! Only the poor, least visionary politicians stay to be ‘jaguh kampung’.
A few years back I laughed at the idea mooted by UMNO asking the post of Chief Minister to be given to Malay. For once, every single UMNO unanimously have consensus on something. Before this, they were never together at anything!
This current time you’ll see top Malay leaders in Penang basically leading a division. In recent years there were not real challenges in Division election. A young upstart can never topple down a division leader. The leaders are like warlords who rule their kingdom. You’re either with them or you’re out. From this you’ll see how the warlord claws their kingdom.
This current time you’ll see top Malay leaders in Penang basically leading a division. In recent years there were not real challenges in Division election. A young upstart can never topple down a division leader. The leaders are like warlords who rule their kingdom. You’re either with them or you’re out. From this you’ll see how the warlord claws their kingdom.
If you’re a true blue Penangite, ask yourself this question….”Where are the best Penang Malays?” Are they in Penang or somewhere else? Let me answer it for you. The only time you can see all the best and successful Malays is Hari Raya Puasa. So what’s left in Penang? Go there and find out yourself.
Is UMNO doing something to address the under supply of Malay professionals in Penang? Did they try to lure these Malays to return and serve in the state? The answer is no. Why should they get someone smarter to return home? They someday might plot something against you!
That’s the fear among the warlord.
Malays on Penang Island are the poorest. They’re proud to have the Prime Minister from this state but can they proudly claim to own the land on this used-to-be-very-beautiful island? Go figure how many Malays owns big chunk of land on the island. “Tanah tumpah darah” is just rhetoric for Penang Malays. They don’t have any more ‘tanah’ for their ‘darah’ to ‘tumpah’ on.
There’s a long lasting issue on squatters in Tanjung Tokong. The issue came to a standstill for god knows how many years. Where is UMNO? What have they done to these people? Go down and speak to them and find out first hand their predicaments. Their problems have been swept under the carpet for more than 20 years.
Those days, their windows open up to beautiful scenery of the beach. But today, the beach has been reclaimed and price of the properties there are beyond their reach. The scenario there is akin to ‘Antara Dua Darjat’. After 20 years, has the local UMNO leaders done anything? And the funny thing is, their predicament pit them against a GLC, UDA. The warlord claim to be championing rakyat’s issue, and they can’t even take it against another GLC. They want the Chief Minister’s post but they can’t even settle this 20 years issue.
There are many things to talk about Penang. If they’re serious about taking over the state, try to settle the small issues first. They can begin with Tanjong Tokong. Once settled then we can ‘DREAM’ about taking back the island. And please stop tearing up pictures. It’s damn childish and immature act. You think the youngsters wanna be in the same party with immature? In your dream!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

by Invisiblewriter001
This is one association that need to be revamped totally. The leadership up there refused to step down despite calls for them to do show. I believe everyone would agree that they’ve overstayed their welcome.
Football is the number one sports anywhere in the world, except maybe the US. And where are we now? Number 160+ I guess. Look at the scenario. Our national football team is a joke that betting against them is a sure bet you gonna make money. You can never lose betting against Malaysia.
One wondered what is the problem with Malaysian Football? Countless discussions have been organized to stop the downfall. Miles of paperwork have been presented to address this decline.
So, what’s the problem?
I don’t the exact problem. But one thing for sure, after years of attempts to stop the rot and nothings has ever worked, I think it’s high time for those at the leadership level to quit. Maybe the rots started from there.
FAM had tried many ideas but nothing worked and the last place to work on is the leadership itself. Have a total revamp of the top hierarchy. There are too many politicians up there. Look at our politicians. They’re clowns! My concern is whether they’ve inflicted their disease onto FAM’s leadership. And I believe they’ve done so.
The situation in FAM is beyond repair. It need total overhaul. Bringing super coaches or managers won’t help address the situation. We’ve had good coaches who failed to do anything here but succeeded elsewhere. Assess that!
Since we’re on a downward spiral, there’s no shame if continue to go down. Take this as an opportunity to experiment. If climb up the rank, consider it a bonus. If we maintained the position, it’s a success. IF we go down the rank, there’s nothing to be ashamed of since we’re going for broke!
What I’m suggesting is that we get some crazy bunch from Tanjung Rambutan to fill the leadership post. No one will take them seriously hence the team manager and coaches will have a free hand handling the team.
The coaches! Get a National Hero, someone like Kanang anak Langkau to be the goalkeeper coach. The mantra is “Guard your post at all cost!”
Get a former rugby player to coach the defenders. Employ a former dispatch rider or Mat Rempit to coach the strikers, as they can coach them to whizz thru any roadblocks or defenders.
As for midfield coach you need someone with vision, someone who can see the big picture, in total darkness or when they’re clueless. This role goes to the people behind crop circles. They’re someone who can help the midfielders to imagine as if they’re up there like a bird looking down when in reality they’re on the field looking forward, and sometimes running backwards! Their visionary, observant and meticulous skills are good assets.
The best manager for Malaysian football team should be a former ‘warden penjara’. If he can manage Sg. Buloh Prison, Malaysian football team is peanuts!
One is busy minding other political party’s business.
The other has the charisma but is too cunning for the party’s own good.
The last choice seems to be diplomatic and too nice for a youth leader.
I’m talking about 3 candidates for UMNO Youth Chief. Gone were the days where firebrands roam within UMNO. This was prevalent in UMNO then. They were the one who will fight for the rakyat.
Unfortunately the voices are muted; they’ve turned docile like a domesticated Panthera tigris malayensis.
What happens when cats turned into kittens? The rakyat will look somewhere else for security.
They need someone else to fight for them. In 2008, the rakyat have shown what they can do. So, listen to what they gotta say. And this is what UMNO Youth used to do. Listen and speak out on behalf of the rakyat.
This is the problem when the youth who used to voice out for the rakyat, today is part of the government mechanism. How can the youth expose the wrong doings of the government or bring forward the problems faced by the rakyat when they themselves are part of the system?
The challenge for the next youth leader is to bridge that gap. Forget about cabinet position. Go down to the grassroot and be the voice of the rakyat. Let the Prime Minister lead the nation and the Youth leader lead the rakyat. But unfortunately today, there seems to be lack of potential leader among the youth rank.
There are 3 of them vying for the position. Khir Toyo is busy being a micro analyst. Trying to analyse every single move made by the Selangor State government and questioning every single decision made. Maybe he should question the amount of money the state government spent on toilet papers.
We the rakyat don’t need a leader who is so busy ‘jaga tepi kain orang’. Let them do their job. If we’re not happy with their performance, we’ll chase them out come next election, like what we did to him. We want him to look into our problems. In fact these problems have deep rooted during his leadership.
Khairy Jamaluddin is too cunning for his own good. He has the charisma. He’s articulate and to some extent considered quite brave too. At some point especially today, UMNO need a brash Youth leader.
To some, KJ is like Anwar when the latter was in the youth leadership. And they also thought he’s like Anwar today, someone who can’t be trusted. A snake with devious plans. Harshly put, someone who would sell his soul to the devil.
What about Mukhriz? Well…I have doubt. He got a lot of nominations because behind closed doors, majority hates KJ. And with Pak Lah leaving, they gave their nominations to Mukhriz.
I don’t think he’s brash. I don’t think he’s that articulate. He doesn’t like confrontation and he don’t believe in provocation.
He’s more of the diplomatic type. UMNO Youth don’t need it, let the Prime Minister be diplomatic. UMNO Youth need someone that will take the bull by its horn, someone who is willing to go heads on against his nemesis. And as far as Mukhriz has proven, he didn’t have that.
What UMNO Youth need is a nice ‘bad boy’. Someone who is articulate, smart, has deep sense of responsibility for the rakyat, who don’t mind confrontation and provocation and not forgetting, someone who’s easily accessible without too many gatekeepers.
In a nutshell, a bad boy who works for the rakyat, not the government!
One is busy minding other political party’s business.
The other has the charisma but is too cunning for the party’s own good.
The last choice seems to be diplomatic and too nice for a youth leader.
I’m talking about 3 candidates for UMNO Youth Chief. Gone were the days where firebrands roam within UMNO. This was prevalent in UMNO then. They were the one who will fight for the rakyat.
Unfortunately the voices are muted; they’ve turned docile like a domesticated Panthera tigris malayensis.
What happens when cats turned into kittens? The rakyat will look somewhere else for security.
They need someone else to fight for them. In 2008, the rakyat have shown what they can do. So, listen to what they gotta say. And this is what UMNO Youth used to do. Listen and speak out on behalf of the rakyat.
This is the problem when the youth who used to voice out for the rakyat, today is part of the government mechanism. How can the youth expose the wrong doings of the government or bring forward the problems faced by the rakyat when they themselves are part of the system?
The challenge for the next youth leader is to bridge that gap. Forget about cabinet position. Go down to the grassroot and be the voice of the rakyat. Let the Prime Minister lead the nation and the Youth leader lead the rakyat. But unfortunately today, there seems to be lack of potential leader among the youth rank.
There are 3 of them vying for the position. Khir Toyo is busy being a micro analyst. Trying to analyse every single move made by the Selangor State government and questioning every single decision made. Maybe he should question the amount of money the state government spent on toilet papers.
We the rakyat don’t need a leader who is so busy ‘jaga tepi kain orang’. Let them do their job. If we’re not happy with their performance, we’ll chase them out come next election, like what we did to him. We want him to look into our problems. In fact these problems have deep rooted during his leadership.
Khairy Jamaluddin is too cunning for his own good. He has the charisma. He’s articulate and to some extent considered quite brave too. At some point especially today, UMNO need a brash Youth leader.
To some, KJ is like Anwar when the latter was in the youth leadership. And they also thought he’s like Anwar today, someone who can’t be trusted. A snake with devious plans. Harshly put, someone who would sell his soul to the devil.
What about Mukhriz? Well…I have doubt. He got a lot of nominations because behind closed doors, majority hates KJ. And with Pak Lah leaving, they gave their nominations to Mukhriz.
I don’t think he’s brash. I don’t think he’s that articulate. He doesn’t like confrontation and he don’t believe in provocation.
He’s more of the diplomatic type. UMNO Youth don’t need it, let the Prime Minister be diplomatic. UMNO Youth need someone that will take the bull by its horn, someone who is willing to go heads on against his nemesis. And as far as Mukhriz has proven, he didn’t have that.
What UMNO Youth need is a nice ‘bad boy’. Someone who is articulate, smart, has deep sense of responsibility for the rakyat, who don’t mind confrontation and provocation and not forgetting, someone who’s easily accessible without too many gatekeepers.
In a nutshell, a bad boy who works for the rakyat, not the government!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Malaysian Politics As I See It
Evolution of Politics And Its Reasons for Existence
The evolution of politics is inevitable due to changes in the life and times of people. In tandem with these changes, domestic politics evolve due to pressures within the international sphere.
For example, increase of oil prices and economic crises force goverments all over the world, rich and poor, to grapple with loss of confidence from its peoples.
This is evident in the case of Gordon Brown’s Labour Party leadership in Britain, as Britons are forced to deal with higher cost of living.
Nicolas Sarkozy’s government in France is also not spared from the people’s demand to have
their basic rights protected from the effects of an economy in crisis.
The same scenario in Italy, as Italians are losing jobs to weakened economy. Much anger is felt across countries in Southeast Asia as price of goods rise as a direct effect of the oil price hike.
Philosophy tells us the importance of politics to protect the lives of the people.
Politics takes form of a mandate given based on social contract of the majority to leaders in their quest to protect the rights of the people, to drive prosperity in their countries so that living conditions continue to improve from time to time and that the people can live in contentment and peace.
In reading Nizam Al-Mulk’s The Book of Goverment or Rules for Kings, one is increasingly aware of the importance of having accountable leadership for the very reason that politics must exist.
One needs to remember that if politics is used for only personal gains to obtain wealth will not benefit in the long run as it could backfire on such leaders as the people would rise against them.
It should, therefore, Nizam’s book be made a reference to all leaders and those interested to immerse themselves in politics.
In that, for as long as politics and the business of doing politics continue to evolve, its main aim cannot be cast aside – politics exist to serve and protect the people!
Perception of Politics vs. Trust?
Crisis of perception often occur due to events involving political actors. This is exemplified by the 6-year imprisonment of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for sodomy, which was said to a by-product of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s political conspiracy.
However, it is imperative that political perception must be corrected by channelling the correct information to the people. What happens if the information fails to correct the people’s perception?
Then this is no longer the crisis of perception, instead, it has become an issue of trust.
The crisis of the peoples’ trust is the crux of the problem, when even given much explanation about the issue does not dissuade them from continuing to believe that there is a political conspiracy afoot.
Hence, how does one manage political perception in this day and era? Media is the available forum to correct the people’s perception.
In order to play an effective role, the media must maintain its avenue as the source of correct information.
The question lies with the current mainstream media – is it a viable source of information?
Today’s emergence of blogs provide an immediate challenge to the ability of conservative media channels to provide information to the people regarding many issues.
Come March, as the new leadership takes over, this aspect must be given utmost priority. Media practioners can no longer adopt the World War II mental paradigm.
Those chosen must lead the nation’s top media organisations towards an efficient way to “deal” with the people’s trust.
Another question arises – are the current practices of journalism adequate and suitable to deal with the explosion of the technology of communication and information?
Political Alliances in Malaysia
Racial diversity in Malaysia is a great influence on the politics of the nation. There is no party which successfully gained 50% of Parliamentary seats without considering this major factor, making it compulsory for alliance formation in Malaysian politics.
After Independence, the Malaysian government cannot be formed by any political party in isolation.
This issue becomes the forefront of the political upheaval in Perak which witnesses the fall of Pakatan Rakyat’s rule after the ‘hopping party’ incident.
As far as political alliance formation practices go in Malaysia, without a doubt, Barisan Nasional (BN) has stronger foundations as compared to the opposition’s set up.
The success of this alliance lies within its voluntary policy. Even though none of the component parties obtains absolute gains, partial gains make up for losses while at the same time, such alliances becomes a mechanism for conflict avoidance.
Jeremy Boissevain’s study in Friends of Friends: Network, Manipulators and Coalition, 1974, observes: All of us have problems which we at least attempt to resolve via friends and friends-of-friends with whom we may even form temporary alliances.
Boissevain makes another interesting observation: Everywhere people compete with each other and search for allies to help them achieve their goals. People everywhere thus engaged in politics, for they compete directly, via friends and friends-of-friends for valued scarce resources, for prizes which form the important goals of their lives.
The observation explains why the ties within the Pakatan Rakyat is so brittle. The example of Perak has illustrated that the Pakatan Rakyat leadership paid a heavy price for playing the ‘blame game’ after its political representatives hopped parties.
This also points to the fact that between DAP, PAS, and PKR, the differences of their political agenda is miles apart.
Evolution of Politics And Its Reasons for Existence
The evolution of politics is inevitable due to changes in the life and times of people. In tandem with these changes, domestic politics evolve due to pressures within the international sphere.
For example, increase of oil prices and economic crises force goverments all over the world, rich and poor, to grapple with loss of confidence from its peoples.
This is evident in the case of Gordon Brown’s Labour Party leadership in Britain, as Britons are forced to deal with higher cost of living.
Nicolas Sarkozy’s government in France is also not spared from the people’s demand to have
their basic rights protected from the effects of an economy in crisis.
The same scenario in Italy, as Italians are losing jobs to weakened economy. Much anger is felt across countries in Southeast Asia as price of goods rise as a direct effect of the oil price hike.
Philosophy tells us the importance of politics to protect the lives of the people.
Politics takes form of a mandate given based on social contract of the majority to leaders in their quest to protect the rights of the people, to drive prosperity in their countries so that living conditions continue to improve from time to time and that the people can live in contentment and peace.
In reading Nizam Al-Mulk’s The Book of Goverment or Rules for Kings, one is increasingly aware of the importance of having accountable leadership for the very reason that politics must exist.
One needs to remember that if politics is used for only personal gains to obtain wealth will not benefit in the long run as it could backfire on such leaders as the people would rise against them.
It should, therefore, Nizam’s book be made a reference to all leaders and those interested to immerse themselves in politics.
In that, for as long as politics and the business of doing politics continue to evolve, its main aim cannot be cast aside – politics exist to serve and protect the people!
Perception of Politics vs. Trust?
Crisis of perception often occur due to events involving political actors. This is exemplified by the 6-year imprisonment of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for sodomy, which was said to a by-product of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s political conspiracy.
However, it is imperative that political perception must be corrected by channelling the correct information to the people. What happens if the information fails to correct the people’s perception?
Then this is no longer the crisis of perception, instead, it has become an issue of trust.
The crisis of the peoples’ trust is the crux of the problem, when even given much explanation about the issue does not dissuade them from continuing to believe that there is a political conspiracy afoot.
Hence, how does one manage political perception in this day and era? Media is the available forum to correct the people’s perception.
In order to play an effective role, the media must maintain its avenue as the source of correct information.
The question lies with the current mainstream media – is it a viable source of information?
Today’s emergence of blogs provide an immediate challenge to the ability of conservative media channels to provide information to the people regarding many issues.
Come March, as the new leadership takes over, this aspect must be given utmost priority. Media practioners can no longer adopt the World War II mental paradigm.
Those chosen must lead the nation’s top media organisations towards an efficient way to “deal” with the people’s trust.
Another question arises – are the current practices of journalism adequate and suitable to deal with the explosion of the technology of communication and information?
Political Alliances in Malaysia
Racial diversity in Malaysia is a great influence on the politics of the nation. There is no party which successfully gained 50% of Parliamentary seats without considering this major factor, making it compulsory for alliance formation in Malaysian politics.
After Independence, the Malaysian government cannot be formed by any political party in isolation.
This issue becomes the forefront of the political upheaval in Perak which witnesses the fall of Pakatan Rakyat’s rule after the ‘hopping party’ incident.
As far as political alliance formation practices go in Malaysia, without a doubt, Barisan Nasional (BN) has stronger foundations as compared to the opposition’s set up.
The success of this alliance lies within its voluntary policy. Even though none of the component parties obtains absolute gains, partial gains make up for losses while at the same time, such alliances becomes a mechanism for conflict avoidance.
Jeremy Boissevain’s study in Friends of Friends: Network, Manipulators and Coalition, 1974, observes: All of us have problems which we at least attempt to resolve via friends and friends-of-friends with whom we may even form temporary alliances.
Boissevain makes another interesting observation: Everywhere people compete with each other and search for allies to help them achieve their goals. People everywhere thus engaged in politics, for they compete directly, via friends and friends-of-friends for valued scarce resources, for prizes which form the important goals of their lives.
The observation explains why the ties within the Pakatan Rakyat is so brittle. The example of Perak has illustrated that the Pakatan Rakyat leadership paid a heavy price for playing the ‘blame game’ after its political representatives hopped parties.
This also points to the fact that between DAP, PAS, and PKR, the differences of their political agenda is miles apart.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Persona Non Grata

This is a low blow. C’mon! It’s not fair. I know you have every right to do so but using this law showed desperation on the part of the state government.
I’m talking about the 2nd MP from PKR being denied entry into Sarawak. The reason given was that he’s not from Sarawak, so he’s not entitled to enter the state without permit or pass.
I don’t understand?? We’re talking about another state within Malaysia. I do understand Sarawak has special arrangement in regards to Immigration law. What I’m trying to understand is why the sudden interest in pursuing this section of the immigration law? Why now?
This is a Member of Parliament. MP R. Sivarasa is not a hardcore criminal. He’s not there to plan a robbery. If he’s someone of dubious background, ban him from moving an inch in this country. Tie him to the flag pole at Dataran Merdeka.
What’s funny, he was in Sarawak last July for World Rainforest Music Festival. Within 7 months MP Sivarasa has turned from a politician into a persona non grata.
What’s next? Who’s next? It’s like the Wild Wild West. You can shoot anyone without justification. In this case, you can ban anyone from entering your state without any reason.
These are the kind of action that will make the ‘rakyat’ hate the government. Leaders who acted like a recalcitrant is a sure bet to be given the boot by the ‘rakyat’ come next election.
Just imagine in the next general election, how many members from the Opposition parties will be denied entry into Sarawak? I’m not surprised Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Hadi Awang and even Dr.Lo’Lo Mohd. Ghazalie will be the next victim.
I think it’s high time the state and federal government look into this ancient Immigration Law.
The world is getting smaller. Travelling between Peninsular and East Malaysia is getting cheaper and faster. Simply put it, everything have changed except the Immigration Law. And I don’t think such law is relevant anymore
When the government is trying to bridge the gap between people in Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia, this ancient law is pushing them apart.
I’ve never foresee that one day I will face problem travelling to Sarawak. Unfortunately after reading this piece of news, it can happen to anybody. And the sad part is, the person behind it will abuse this law as they see fit. If this continues, the state government is signing their own death warrant. An advice to BN, forget about campaigning in Sarawak. No point in doing so because the state government has charted their own demise. Why waste the money, might as well spend it on the poor in Sabah.
Giving low blows to your opposing fighter won’t help you garner support. It might backfire, where the ‘rakyat’ sympathize with the opposing fighter.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
“Blame it on the rain”. That was what Milli Vanilli said. And what happened to them? One dead and the other is struggling. In our political scenario, no one is dead and all the ‘rakyat’ are struggling. That’s our politics Milli Vanilli style! Where all the dancing and clowning around come from one person, Anwar!
Guan Eng blamed Tun Dr.M for this undoing. Trying desperately to turn things around, Tun Dr.M’s constitutional Amendment in 1993 was blamed for this entire ‘derhaka’ act. There’s nothing new.
Come one, that was 16 years ago. Why now? Why they didn’t anything back then? Or wait another 50 years to blame Tun Dr.M? The same act that they supported is the same act they blame for the circus act we see today.
So, what are they suggesting now? Should we go back to court and re-instate whatever power the Royal Houses had prior to 1993? Does PR have the balls to suggest that?
For the Rakyat’s sake, please stop this entire circus act and let’s get on with our lives. Stop the marching and venting out anger. Might as well concert this energy into finding solution to stop this economic crisis. The country gotta move on. Unfortunately we never move. We will always find reasons to instigate each other.
Last check, there were 80+ police reports against Karpal Singh. I don’t know what’s the point having so many reports against him. You point finger at them for being ‘derhaka’ and they returned the pleasure saying you started first.
It’s a ‘pleasure’ watching well learned and educated adults exchanging jabs and low blow. And mind you this free for all show have no parental guidance rating. Anyone can watch it and that including kids. What sort of image are they trying to show them? This is not leadership by example.
What we’ve got here is akin to law of the apes. Everyone ape each other. And soon we will see the younglings aping the old-ings. In the end we will turn into an Ape Nation.
Sometimes I think too much freedom of speech make people turn into ape. Try the zoo and you’ll hear the noisiest of them all are the apes. Despite being caged, they still have freedom of speech. Looking at this, I tend to agree with Darwin that “we’re one happy family!”
Maybe we should be like our neighbour, where everyone is mute. They concentrate at their work. Forget about their neighbour and strive for excellence. At the end of the day, results that matters.
What we’re having right now leads to nowhere. People lose confidence at both factions. If both parties listen to the ‘rakyat’ they’ll realize everyone is fed-up.
They’re fed-up with their elected leaders taking pot shot at each other when other pressing issues need their (leaders) tender loving care. When I give a thought about this, it’s part of Malaysia’s politics. If you don’t see this, it’s not our brand of politics.
“Blame it on the rain”. That was what Milli Vanilli said. And what happened to them? One dead and the other is struggling. In our political scenario, no one is dead and all the ‘rakyat’ are struggling. That’s our politics Milli Vanilli style! Where all the dancing and clowning around come from one person, Anwar!
Guan Eng blamed Tun Dr.M for this undoing. Trying desperately to turn things around, Tun Dr.M’s constitutional Amendment in 1993 was blamed for this entire ‘derhaka’ act. There’s nothing new.
Come one, that was 16 years ago. Why now? Why they didn’t anything back then? Or wait another 50 years to blame Tun Dr.M? The same act that they supported is the same act they blame for the circus act we see today.
So, what are they suggesting now? Should we go back to court and re-instate whatever power the Royal Houses had prior to 1993? Does PR have the balls to suggest that?
For the Rakyat’s sake, please stop this entire circus act and let’s get on with our lives. Stop the marching and venting out anger. Might as well concert this energy into finding solution to stop this economic crisis. The country gotta move on. Unfortunately we never move. We will always find reasons to instigate each other.
Last check, there were 80+ police reports against Karpal Singh. I don’t know what’s the point having so many reports against him. You point finger at them for being ‘derhaka’ and they returned the pleasure saying you started first.
It’s a ‘pleasure’ watching well learned and educated adults exchanging jabs and low blow. And mind you this free for all show have no parental guidance rating. Anyone can watch it and that including kids. What sort of image are they trying to show them? This is not leadership by example.
What we’ve got here is akin to law of the apes. Everyone ape each other. And soon we will see the younglings aping the old-ings. In the end we will turn into an Ape Nation.
Sometimes I think too much freedom of speech make people turn into ape. Try the zoo and you’ll hear the noisiest of them all are the apes. Despite being caged, they still have freedom of speech. Looking at this, I tend to agree with Darwin that “we’re one happy family!”
Maybe we should be like our neighbour, where everyone is mute. They concentrate at their work. Forget about their neighbour and strive for excellence. At the end of the day, results that matters.
What we’re having right now leads to nowhere. People lose confidence at both factions. If both parties listen to the ‘rakyat’ they’ll realize everyone is fed-up.
They’re fed-up with their elected leaders taking pot shot at each other when other pressing issues need their (leaders) tender loving care. When I give a thought about this, it’s part of Malaysia’s politics. If you don’t see this, it’s not our brand of politics.
Who wants to be a parliamentarian?
by InvisibleWriter001
Let’s have a reality show. Let’s have a show where the audiences will get to choose their parliamentarian via sms and internet voting. Let’s have Paula, Simon, Randy and the beautiful Kara as the judges.
I see this as competition as the best solution in getting new MPs. We will get better MPs, at least better than our regular not-so-funny circus clowns. What we currently have here are clowns who can’t communicate or articulate. What they’re capable of doing best is defecate on our head.
And these despicable acts have to end. And mind you, the feces stink to high heaven!
Let’s go back to this reality show. How are we going to conduct or organize this show? Do we need a beautiful or handsome host? I believe in equality. So, let’s have a transgender host. If we can’t find one here, we can always import from Thailand.
Once we have the host and the judges in place, we need to agree on the selection criteria. Who can we allow to participate in this reality show. Should we follow the American Idol path where only those below 30 can participate or follow the AF sell-out path where almost anyone can take part?
Ok, we are neither gonna follow American Idol nor AF. We’re gonna make our own rules. First and foremost the candidates must be able to sing. This is will come in handy whenever they were invited to contribute a song during charity concert.
Next criteria, they must be able to act. This is important whenever they need to relay or convey messages or speeches with negative connotation, with poker face. No emotions or whatsoever on their faces.
The following criteria is the ability to duck without warning. Over the last few months we’ve already seen 2 cases of flying shoes. And producers believe the trend will arrive on our shore very soon.
So, it’s important to have the ability to duck. No protective headgear will be provided or allowed in this show.
Next is the ability to tell lies in a saintly manner. Saints don’t lie and politicians lie to the bone. So how do you turn politicians into an angel. Easy, put an orphaned baby on their lap and call them ‘Srikandi Gaza’.
The ability to run is equally important as the rest. The candidates or contestants must be able to dash 100 meters in less than 9.5 seconds. This skill is useful to escape from problems, angry voters, Ah Long and also the 1st wife. Please remember, the ability to carry your leader’s balls is considered a plus point.
One must also be able to empathize and sympathize on cue. The ability to shed tears on cue is highly commendable. For this act alone, you’ll be awarded with Anugerah Pelakon Harapan from Festival Filem Malaysia.
What about criteria that are not needed? There are various reasons that will disqualify a contestant. First, is the look. Only the good looking ones are taken. The ugly ones will be taken to Pulau Jerejak.
Those with voices equivalent to an ants will also be rejected. We need someone with a vocal cord as powerful as someone who have just swallowed a microphone. The said person must be loud enough that he’ll be able to wake up a sleeping bear with a single call.
The contestants must also have the ability to move in slow motion. This talent will benefits them whenever they need to act in slowly and in difficult situation. It’ll come in handy whenever they need to give out land deeds.
Last but not least, the said person must be able to ‘kiss ass’ without feeling guilty. The contestants will be required to do this kissing act live on National TV.
Whoever the winner is has a huge burden to carry on their shoulder. This is a position where everyone would like to be in but don’t want to take the responsibility. Unfortunately it comes as a package. Take both or leave it.
Let’s have a reality show. Let’s have a show where the audiences will get to choose their parliamentarian via sms and internet voting. Let’s have Paula, Simon, Randy and the beautiful Kara as the judges.
I see this as competition as the best solution in getting new MPs. We will get better MPs, at least better than our regular not-so-funny circus clowns. What we currently have here are clowns who can’t communicate or articulate. What they’re capable of doing best is defecate on our head.
And these despicable acts have to end. And mind you, the feces stink to high heaven!
Let’s go back to this reality show. How are we going to conduct or organize this show? Do we need a beautiful or handsome host? I believe in equality. So, let’s have a transgender host. If we can’t find one here, we can always import from Thailand.
Once we have the host and the judges in place, we need to agree on the selection criteria. Who can we allow to participate in this reality show. Should we follow the American Idol path where only those below 30 can participate or follow the AF sell-out path where almost anyone can take part?
Ok, we are neither gonna follow American Idol nor AF. We’re gonna make our own rules. First and foremost the candidates must be able to sing. This is will come in handy whenever they were invited to contribute a song during charity concert.
Next criteria, they must be able to act. This is important whenever they need to relay or convey messages or speeches with negative connotation, with poker face. No emotions or whatsoever on their faces.
The following criteria is the ability to duck without warning. Over the last few months we’ve already seen 2 cases of flying shoes. And producers believe the trend will arrive on our shore very soon.
So, it’s important to have the ability to duck. No protective headgear will be provided or allowed in this show.
Next is the ability to tell lies in a saintly manner. Saints don’t lie and politicians lie to the bone. So how do you turn politicians into an angel. Easy, put an orphaned baby on their lap and call them ‘Srikandi Gaza’.
The ability to run is equally important as the rest. The candidates or contestants must be able to dash 100 meters in less than 9.5 seconds. This skill is useful to escape from problems, angry voters, Ah Long and also the 1st wife. Please remember, the ability to carry your leader’s balls is considered a plus point.
One must also be able to empathize and sympathize on cue. The ability to shed tears on cue is highly commendable. For this act alone, you’ll be awarded with Anugerah Pelakon Harapan from Festival Filem Malaysia.
What about criteria that are not needed? There are various reasons that will disqualify a contestant. First, is the look. Only the good looking ones are taken. The ugly ones will be taken to Pulau Jerejak.
Those with voices equivalent to an ants will also be rejected. We need someone with a vocal cord as powerful as someone who have just swallowed a microphone. The said person must be loud enough that he’ll be able to wake up a sleeping bear with a single call.
The contestants must also have the ability to move in slow motion. This talent will benefits them whenever they need to act in slowly and in difficult situation. It’ll come in handy whenever they need to give out land deeds.
Last but not least, the said person must be able to ‘kiss ass’ without feeling guilty. The contestants will be required to do this kissing act live on National TV.
Whoever the winner is has a huge burden to carry on their shoulder. This is a position where everyone would like to be in but don’t want to take the responsibility. Unfortunately it comes as a package. Take both or leave it.
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sometimes I wonder whether this guy is lonely. He accused of being alone in his fight against Hudud Law.
None of his compatriot in the party is up in arms with him. Not even Kit Siang or Guan Eng.
But then again, he said he has support from the grassroots.
This statement about support from the grassroots is it true or mere rhetoric?
If he has the support than the leaders who are not with him in his fights against Hudud Law should leave the party.
And if he’s truly alone in this fight, then I suggest he should take his ‘war’ somewhere else because party members are not with him.
Political party is about group effort. You can’t fight alone.
Support from everyone including party members and the rakyat is crucially important.
They must believe in what you’re doing.
If you’re a lone ranger fighting a lone war it meant no one is listening to you. And it’s bad enough
when you’re the President of the party.
And today he roared again, or should I say whined again. This time he blamed Anwar Ibrahim for the current situation in Perak.
If Anwar hasn’t been too enthusiastic with his party hopping idea all this would never have happened.
I guess it’s a bit too late to start blaming others. Yes, I agree all this is Anwar Ibrahim’s fault.
Like in football, the attacking team lost on the counter attack by its opponent.
The Lion of Jelutong was against party hopping since the beginning.
But being in the same ‘team’ puts him in cohorts with Anwar Ibrahim, a reluctant one.
I thought he is a man of principle. Someone like that should quit the party if he thinks the party no longer listens to him. Or maybe he’s a sulking old man, expecting someone to ‘pujuk’ him?
I think he’s a bit over reacting. He should’ve reacted and voiced out he concern more vocally earlier.
Whatever his concern was, at least he was honest in saying all this is Anwar’s undoing.
However, all this whining and letting steam go sounded worst than the man he once criticized, Tun Dr Mahathir.
Whatever it is, no point crying over spilled milk.
Just get down on the floor and lick it!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Politician Needed?
Anyone--doctors, carpenters, professional wrestlers--can enter politics.
Once they do, however, they're no longer operating as doctors, carpenters, or professional wrestlers.
They're politicians--which, as they say in football, is a skill position in itself.
Politicians are politicians
Let's face it: The people who want you to vote for them because they're not politicians are, in fact, politicians.
If you elect them, you'd better hope they're good politicians, not good carpenters, surgeons, or businessmen.
Call a surgeon if your leg needs amputating, but for political work, get a politician.
Not just any politician though.
There are discriminations to be made.
Criticize particular politicians? Good idea. They're not all competent or honest.
Is every single politician incompetent and dishonest? I doubt it, but if so, let's blast each and every one.
That's still different from lambasting politicians as a species.
If every single doctor were incompetent, we wouldn't say, "Let's do away with doctoring."
We'd say, "Let's see why doctors are no good and fix things so we have better ones."
Can we fix things so we have better politicians?
If politicians are like the weather, it's pointless to ask.
You can only grumble about nature, not change it.
If we cast off the fatalism, however, we can start to ask, for example, how campaigning has overtaken the actual work of politicians, how money has overtaken actual campaigning, how the complexity of our society has driven up the expense of gaining office, how such costs have affected what politicians do in office, how the media's growing reliance on entertainment as a central product has affected political coverage, how public tolerance of unhealthy campaign practices has exacerbated all of the above--and the list goes on.
It's all worth asking if we start with the premise that there is a job in society for which politicians are the right tool.
And if there is, then we can look for ways to improve that tool so it will do the job better.
Once they do, however, they're no longer operating as doctors, carpenters, or professional wrestlers.
They're politicians--which, as they say in football, is a skill position in itself.
Politicians are politicians
Let's face it: The people who want you to vote for them because they're not politicians are, in fact, politicians.
If you elect them, you'd better hope they're good politicians, not good carpenters, surgeons, or businessmen.
Call a surgeon if your leg needs amputating, but for political work, get a politician.
Not just any politician though.
There are discriminations to be made.
Criticize particular politicians? Good idea. They're not all competent or honest.
Is every single politician incompetent and dishonest? I doubt it, but if so, let's blast each and every one.
That's still different from lambasting politicians as a species.
If every single doctor were incompetent, we wouldn't say, "Let's do away with doctoring."
We'd say, "Let's see why doctors are no good and fix things so we have better ones."
Can we fix things so we have better politicians?
If politicians are like the weather, it's pointless to ask.
You can only grumble about nature, not change it.
If we cast off the fatalism, however, we can start to ask, for example, how campaigning has overtaken the actual work of politicians, how money has overtaken actual campaigning, how the complexity of our society has driven up the expense of gaining office, how such costs have affected what politicians do in office, how the media's growing reliance on entertainment as a central product has affected political coverage, how public tolerance of unhealthy campaign practices has exacerbated all of the above--and the list goes on.
It's all worth asking if we start with the premise that there is a job in society for which politicians are the right tool.
And if there is, then we can look for ways to improve that tool so it will do the job better.
Why Politics Suck
By Mumia Abu-Jamal
When I think of politics, I think of a politician -- an odd one, I'll admit -- and not even an American.
I think of Charles De Gaulle -- the tall, big-nosed French general who became the first president of France's Fifth Republic.
Why him? Well, in truth, he barely nudges out the great political scientist, Machiavelli; but both gave us deep insights into the world of politics.
De Gaulle though, gave what seems like the best definition of a politician when he said: "In order to become the master, the politician poses as a servant." (He also wrote in a letter, the great line: "Politics are too serious a matter to be left to the politicians").
In those two, brief lines, De Gaulle provides both the problem and the solution; the problems are the politicians; the solution -- not the politicians.
I think, for millions of folks, there's the very deep feeling, maybe even the knowledge, that politicians will say virtually anything to get elected, and, once in, proceed to betray those who voted for them.
I'm convinced that it is precisely that inner knowledge -- that gut knowledge -- that keeps millions -- perhaps 50+ million Americans -- from voting at all. They know better.
They know that politicians are the tools of the wealthy -- and that they spit on the poor and impoverished.
Remember those so-called 'debates?' (OK -- I use the term loosely). But wasn't it interesting that the poor, or working people, were never mentioned?
How their concerns didn't even merit a mere moment during a 2-hour debate?
That's because they are invisible to the rich guys who run, or are run in, the political system. It really doesn't matter if we discuss Republicans or Democrats. It's the same.
Do you know how many folks contribute to election campaigns?
Just 4%. 4%! Most political dough comes from corporate coffers. So, who do you think they serve? That's where the $4 billion bucks came from to pay for the U.S. presidential campaign in 2004.
So -- the political system sucks. But, guess what? It was designed to suck (at least for people like us).
The rich men who wrote the Constitution hated and feared the common people, whom they called 'the Mob'; and, not surprisingly, the common folks hated them back.
Politics sucks today because it is, for most folks, a burden -- and a lie.
It promises, every few years, to change things for the better, yet the only 'change' one gets, if from bad to worse. Thus, millions of people no longer play the game.
It sucks because people learn, even when they participate, that it's not a fair game.
Votes are 'lost'; votes are stolen; voters are intimidated, and the politicians are bought and sold like stocks on Wall Street.
It sucks because people feel trapped, and want to be free.
When I think of politics, I think of a politician -- an odd one, I'll admit -- and not even an American.
I think of Charles De Gaulle -- the tall, big-nosed French general who became the first president of France's Fifth Republic.
Why him? Well, in truth, he barely nudges out the great political scientist, Machiavelli; but both gave us deep insights into the world of politics.
De Gaulle though, gave what seems like the best definition of a politician when he said: "In order to become the master, the politician poses as a servant." (He also wrote in a letter, the great line: "Politics are too serious a matter to be left to the politicians").
In those two, brief lines, De Gaulle provides both the problem and the solution; the problems are the politicians; the solution -- not the politicians.
I think, for millions of folks, there's the very deep feeling, maybe even the knowledge, that politicians will say virtually anything to get elected, and, once in, proceed to betray those who voted for them.
I'm convinced that it is precisely that inner knowledge -- that gut knowledge -- that keeps millions -- perhaps 50+ million Americans -- from voting at all. They know better.
They know that politicians are the tools of the wealthy -- and that they spit on the poor and impoverished.
Remember those so-called 'debates?' (OK -- I use the term loosely). But wasn't it interesting that the poor, or working people, were never mentioned?
How their concerns didn't even merit a mere moment during a 2-hour debate?
That's because they are invisible to the rich guys who run, or are run in, the political system. It really doesn't matter if we discuss Republicans or Democrats. It's the same.
Do you know how many folks contribute to election campaigns?
Just 4%. 4%! Most political dough comes from corporate coffers. So, who do you think they serve? That's where the $4 billion bucks came from to pay for the U.S. presidential campaign in 2004.
So -- the political system sucks. But, guess what? It was designed to suck (at least for people like us).
The rich men who wrote the Constitution hated and feared the common people, whom they called 'the Mob'; and, not surprisingly, the common folks hated them back.
Politics sucks today because it is, for most folks, a burden -- and a lie.
It promises, every few years, to change things for the better, yet the only 'change' one gets, if from bad to worse. Thus, millions of people no longer play the game.
It sucks because people learn, even when they participate, that it's not a fair game.
Votes are 'lost'; votes are stolen; voters are intimidated, and the politicians are bought and sold like stocks on Wall Street.
It sucks because people feel trapped, and want to be free.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
How About Najib's 4th Floor?
I feel rather weird about the control or power that is said to be possessed by the officers on the 4th Floor - the office that is said to be really close to the Prime Minister's workspace.
But, when we think again, there's no smoke without fire, and with all the happenings recently, there should be a truth behind all the sensational things people talked about.
Enough said, I believe everyone in Malaysia knew already who are the people of the 4th Floor, and how great they are planning and landscaping our Malaysia's politics.
Just like what Tun Dr. Mahathir had always harping and worrying on the above matter, our feelings are mutual!
Will it be the same when Datuk Seri Najib take over the prime minister's reign soon? The public knows that those who work directly for the PM of course, a one of a kind, an ivy league members.
Certainly because, they act as an advisor, a think tank for their boss. There's no way a 2nd grader in SPM, with P7 in maths can be THAT near to this group. To be a photocopy assisstant maybe...(that is somehow related to any of those officers :P)
But, history has proven that not all those creme de la creme at the PM's office are really what they are, especially when they have the personal agenda to roll everything into their pocket, as long as they have the opportunity to do so.
We just can't imagine what will happen to our beloved country if this thing remains on and on...
Actually, I've "worked my charm" into the Deputy PM's office,busybodying around, whether is there any similar virusses have spreading into DPM's office or not.
Of course, I have to be extra "charming" and discreet to know the answers, or else, I will be in deep trouble too.
Fortunately, so far, at the DPM's office, the scenario is different.
Most officers are the young ones, high-spirited lads,working and feeling secure as what they are right now..
I am crossing my fingers for those young lads to remain the same and stick to their honour coz, Che Det always said: Malay forgets easily...
So, I really hope for this phenomenon of the 4th floor will not repeating itself when Datuk Seri Najib took over as the Prime Minister.
If this is still happening, I've no doubt, those at the 4th Floor sooner or later, will not be at the GROUND FLOOR, but, at the BASEMENT...he...he...
But, when we think again, there's no smoke without fire, and with all the happenings recently, there should be a truth behind all the sensational things people talked about.
Enough said, I believe everyone in Malaysia knew already who are the people of the 4th Floor, and how great they are planning and landscaping our Malaysia's politics.
Just like what Tun Dr. Mahathir had always harping and worrying on the above matter, our feelings are mutual!
Will it be the same when Datuk Seri Najib take over the prime minister's reign soon? The public knows that those who work directly for the PM of course, a one of a kind, an ivy league members.
Certainly because, they act as an advisor, a think tank for their boss. There's no way a 2nd grader in SPM, with P7 in maths can be THAT near to this group. To be a photocopy assisstant maybe...(that is somehow related to any of those officers :P)
But, history has proven that not all those creme de la creme at the PM's office are really what they are, especially when they have the personal agenda to roll everything into their pocket, as long as they have the opportunity to do so.
We just can't imagine what will happen to our beloved country if this thing remains on and on...
Actually, I've "worked my charm" into the Deputy PM's office,busybodying around, whether is there any similar virusses have spreading into DPM's office or not.
Of course, I have to be extra "charming" and discreet to know the answers, or else, I will be in deep trouble too.
Fortunately, so far, at the DPM's office, the scenario is different.
Most officers are the young ones, high-spirited lads,working and feeling secure as what they are right now..
I am crossing my fingers for those young lads to remain the same and stick to their honour coz, Che Det always said: Malay forgets easily...
So, I really hope for this phenomenon of the 4th floor will not repeating itself when Datuk Seri Najib took over as the Prime Minister.
If this is still happening, I've no doubt, those at the 4th Floor sooner or later, will not be at the GROUND FLOOR, but, at the BASEMENT...he...he...
Signs That Pak Lah Never Wants To Leave His Office...

1)Pak Lah has yet to visit ASEAN countries as what had been done by his predecessors before they leave the PM's office.
2)Pak Lah supposedly had already done the friendly and farewell visit to China, India,Britain and US.
3)His office has not informed or set any official date for Istana Negara, for Najib to sworn in as the new PM.
4)Pak Lah has not set any date for the final Cabinet Meeting.(This is essential to ensure that all ministers are not away visiting foreign countries, or have any event. So, they will be available to attend)
5)Pak Lah has not visited any Sultan in any state for paying homage and as a sign of saying thank you
6)At the Ministry of Defence, i has been informed that Pak Lah still hasn't confirmed any farewell date.
Generally, records in Putrajaya show that Pak Lah has not done anything that any retiring Prime Minister should do.For Fact #6, it's a custom for a Minister of Defence to undergone a farewell ceremony according to the military and civil tradition.
Also, before the abovesaid ceremony, it's a norm for the Minister of Defense to visit at least a Royal Air Force Base and a Royal Navy Base, usually in Lumut.After visiting all those places, then the official farewell ceremony will be held, at the Ministry of Defence.
When Najib was transferred to Ministry of Defence, he did not have the chance to visit all those bases because the transfer was so sudden. Still, Najib did grace the official farewell ceremony at the Ministry of Defence.
Record also shows that Pak Lah has not set or confirmed any dates for above significant agenda.
With only 2 months before the so called power transition after the UMNO General Assembly this March, the failure of Pak Lah and his associates to set any dates for any events above is a clear sign of his intention of NOT letting go his sought after seat.
Pak Lah surely will not have all the times on this earth to do all those things if he still did not budge an inch.
Pak Lah's (ill?) intention of not realizing his promise to Najib is seen as worrying, as once mentioned by the former prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed.
The clock is still ticking...
2)Pak Lah supposedly had already done the friendly and farewell visit to China, India,Britain and US.
3)His office has not informed or set any official date for Istana Negara, for Najib to sworn in as the new PM.
4)Pak Lah has not set any date for the final Cabinet Meeting.(This is essential to ensure that all ministers are not away visiting foreign countries, or have any event. So, they will be available to attend)
5)Pak Lah has not visited any Sultan in any state for paying homage and as a sign of saying thank you
6)At the Ministry of Defence, i has been informed that Pak Lah still hasn't confirmed any farewell date.
Generally, records in Putrajaya show that Pak Lah has not done anything that any retiring Prime Minister should do.For Fact #6, it's a custom for a Minister of Defence to undergone a farewell ceremony according to the military and civil tradition.
Also, before the abovesaid ceremony, it's a norm for the Minister of Defense to visit at least a Royal Air Force Base and a Royal Navy Base, usually in Lumut.After visiting all those places, then the official farewell ceremony will be held, at the Ministry of Defence.
When Najib was transferred to Ministry of Defence, he did not have the chance to visit all those bases because the transfer was so sudden. Still, Najib did grace the official farewell ceremony at the Ministry of Defence.
Record also shows that Pak Lah has not set or confirmed any dates for above significant agenda.
With only 2 months before the so called power transition after the UMNO General Assembly this March, the failure of Pak Lah and his associates to set any dates for any events above is a clear sign of his intention of NOT letting go his sought after seat.
Pak Lah surely will not have all the times on this earth to do all those things if he still did not budge an inch.
Pak Lah's (ill?) intention of not realizing his promise to Najib is seen as worrying, as once mentioned by the former prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed.
The clock is still ticking...
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