Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wake Up Call For Malays

by Cikgu Pencen

The result of 12 General Election has thousands of meaning that need to be pondered deeply by Malays.

We have lost Singapore 43 years ago and within that time, the Malays have been oppressed indirectly without us realising it.

There is no more full quota of Malay ministers, azan (call for prayers) cannot be announce to the public, Malay language became the third language, and Malays are not allowed to hold any higher post in army and police force, they even claim for Pulau Batu Putih as their territory and many other Malay related issues are disappearing from the island of Singapore.

When all is gone, there is no hope for us to take it back.

I believe, in the next time to come, if Malays still unaware that they have lost the political power, the same things will also happen in the states that are under the opposition namely Penang, Perak, Selangor and Kedah.

If Malays are not cautious and conscious, I believe that Penang would be the second Singapore.

The Chief Minister of Pulau Pinang has already mentioned it as PENANG right after his victory in the 12th General Election.

If we look into this deeply, actually, the similar thing will happen to the Penang Malays in no time.

Had we learnt enough from Palestine when, in 1947, Israelis only occupying less than 10 percent of the land of Palestinians.

But, in 2000, 80 percent of Palestinians lands had already fall into Israelis’ hands.

The barbed wire fence were erected around Gaza, that prevented the rights and freedom prevented. Electricity was restricted to certain times. Going for Friday prayer means facing the tip of the rifle, food also was rationed, let alone new clothes.

Those are the reasons why Malays should be alert and awake, cautious and conscious, with their mistakes of giving their votes to the opposition, especially DAP.

Maybe there are some parties will say that this statement is racist but, we did not realize that the banner of DAP carried the message: “Voting MCA means Voting UMNO/Malays”, or, in Chinese newspapers, they wrote, “Vote for the Chinese candidates only”

We Malays are too compromising and too soft-hearted. With all the above campaigns, with strong sentiment of racism, no action is taken!

When we Malays giving the same notion, we are accused of being racist. But sadly, it is their way of degrading us the Malays.

When we harp on the issue of Malays sovereignty and Muslims, have they ever think of our feelings as Muslims?

Do they ever care what is OSA, ISA or Sedition Act?

That is why their newspapers are very bold and daring!

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