I’ve never seen anything like this before. Are they flushing out slime using the most potent chemical ever to grace the face of this earth? Something is brewing out there. Something hot and ‘kow’ than Hai Peng coffee in Kemaman. Specifically in one of the suffocating air conditioned rooms in Menara Dato’ Onn where UMNO Diciplinary Board resides. It’s hot in there and they’re brewing hot coffee.
UMNO Disciplinary Board is brewing the hottest and kow-est coffee mixed with the most potent cleansing chemical to be distributed among a few privileged UMNO’s higher echelons. This seldom served special coffee will come together with a letter.
I love coffee. But I never like coffee that comes with an accompanying letter, let alone one from disciplinary board. In the not-very-far- but-very-soon-future, UMNO Disciplinary Board will recommend to suspend the membership of Ali Rustam, Khir Toyo and Khairy Jamaludin.
This suspension will take effect before the coming UMNO election, which means all three gentlemen will be prohibited from taking part in the coming UMNO election.
The suspension of these three fine gentlemen was due to money politics, something many of you would have guessed correctly.
This news came as a shock but at the same time I’m not surprised considering the rate money have been thrown around lately before the UMNO election.
This action is something that we should applaud when many have been questioning the integrity of UMNO Disciplinary Board. I see this action as not only an active decision to stop the rot within UMNO but also serve as a warning to other aspirants today and in the future that UMNO Disciplinary Board members are not tooth-less benchwarmers. They mean business and they see the future of UMNO and its integrity something that need solid protection. This is what I meant by ‘old guard’. Veteran Tengku Ahmad Rithaudeen might be, tooth-less he aint one. This I salute you!
Before I forget, there’s a twist to this story. Khairy Jamaludin is working hard lobbying his father in law to save him from this debacle. I’m not sure how much of help can Pak Lah do as the Disciplinary Board has threatened to quit en-bloc if no action taken against this 3 stooges!
What say you Pak Lah? Save your son in law and sacrifice UMNO’s integrity? The choice is his. He can be a Hero or Zero before he bows out. For the last time he can show the world that he is fair and impartial before he bows out. He surely don’t want to be seen as his son in law’s lap dog, as it further proves that he is Khairy’s puppet.
There’s another twist to this story. This is more twisting than M.Night Shyamalan’s films. Apparently Ali Rustam or famously known as Datuk Shah Rukh Khan biggest fan (yes, the ‘kipas’ type), has threatened to quit from UMNO if action taken against him.
I don’t see this as a big threat. He and his supporters can leave the party. UMNO don’t need someone like him. If the Opposition accepts him, it shows how stupid and desperate they’re to welcome a corrupt leader. Isa Samad has tasted suspension before. Why not a colleague from a neighboring state gets the taste of his own money? See how much can MONEY can do to you. It can push you up but will bring you down before reaching the top. A very ‘sweet’ victory indeed.
I haven’t heard anything about Khir Toyo making any threat. But I’m not surprised if he threatens to send more cows or stop distribution of tempe nationwide. We’ll wait for his reaction.
This story is definitely hotter than tonight’s match between MU and Liverpool. Whatever the outcome from this match, in my eyes it’ll be UMNO Disciplinary Board’s victory against Money Politics, 3-0 and the 3 stooges scored a goal each into their own net.
The onus is on Pak Lah now. He has to decide and can’t leave the burden into Najib’s hands as he is still the President of UMNO. If action were to be taken against these 3 stooges, it’s a job well done. I will consider this as his single best contribution to this country while he’s in power.
Despite this best contribution comes a bit late, its better late than never.
But if he decides otherwise, someone and I hope Najib will expose this wrong doing. This shouldn’t be swept under the carpet. These 3 stooges are leaders of the Malay community. We can’t have these corrupt leaders to lead the Malays into the future. The rots have to stop now.
Pak Lah has to take action or risk being boo-ed out of the office if these indiscipline acts exposed.
And one more thing, this is a true story indeed. Not fictionalized storytelling of the RPK kind!
Tak percaya? You guys wait and see.
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