Thursday, March 26, 2009

The PKR is definitely confusing and abusing Bukit Selambau

by C.C Too

After being “water cannoned” by the police last night, 23th March 2009, the PKR was reported to repeat the same illegal action to gather their “makkal sakhti”, “hindraf” and other PKR supporters around Bukit Selambau area. They might be water cannoned again tonight.

It is a shame to make that kind of illegal gathering by the PKR De Facto Leader Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim. It shows that PKR have no legal bound in this country. It seems that PKR is “above the laws” in Malaysia.

It gives bad reputation for Malaysia. It denies the law created to protect the harmony of this country. Is that what we expected from Anwar if he will become a prime minister soon?

What is Anwar succeed to become the prime minister of Malaysia and the opposition parties decide the behave the way they are now.

Show no respect for the law and constitution of Malaysia, “attack” the supremacy of the royal highness DYMM Sultans of Malaysia or at least performing a riot, just the way they did and still doing right now?

Will the oppositions be water cannoned too? And who is to blame?

It seems they are out of their mind. 18 names had been submitted to be the candidate of PKR. Most of them are Indians? And most of them play an important roles for “makkal sakhti”, an illegal organisation.

Is it fair for Bukit Selambau residents to have an DUN assemblyman from an illegal organisation?

It is believe that is the main reason of “Money”kumar was ellected by the first place.

The “hindraf” also wanted to take their part in the Bukit Selambau by-election. Most of the name presented to be interviewed by the PKR are “hindraf” big supporters.

They are very “vocal” about releasing their “leaders” who had been detained under ISA. They being rough and mind abusive. They had give bad influences to the Bukit Selambau Indian residents and give them no choice but to accept the “hindraf” ideology. Communisme and Hindrafisme are just the same.

Racist and try to go beyond the law of Malaysia. No wonder why were they being water cannoned last night!

There comes the “Money”kumar. Who is he? No one knows him before and they are still asking the same question “who he is?”. Even the “makkal sakhti” leaders of Bukit Selambau do not know him.

The “hindraf” also have the same idea. He is definitely an outsiders which been elected by the De Facto of PKR, Anwar Ibrahim. How could Anwar elected an outsiders? Any business “behind the scene”?

Or Anwar purposely wants the PKR to loose this election? Only the result will answer that. But me myself is still asking, who is “Money”kumar? No one knows him!

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