Wednesday, April 22, 2009


We’re back to square one. All parties maintained their seats in respective by-elections. Nothing changed. But there are some bruised egos.

BN brought along its Ayam Tambatan, Tun Dr.Mahathir but it remained unchanged. What’s the outlook now? Are these by-elections reflects on the rakyat’s supports towards Najib? Or it’s too early to be used as a barometer?

Yes, some might point fingers at BN and say “You lost.” But the truth is, no one lost. There wasn’t much difference in the majority won. Everything remains unchanged. But the question is, will things remain the same once all the election machineries pack their bags?

PR will claim victory despite them not gaining any extra seats. But what about BN? Are they gonna claim victory too? I don’t think so, infact from this point onwards they should plan ahead for PRU13. BN has lost a lot of grounds and they need to make head start now for the next election.

There’s no need to do post mortem. No point in doing that. BN have known the problems since losing 4 states but unfortunately they’ve never done anything to rectify it.

The rakyat has lost trust in BN and UMNO. They thought the recent UMNO election will be the catharsis to refresh the spirit but unfortunately it didn’t change much. A proven corrupt is leading the wing. What kind of image is UMNO trying to show?

UMNO can’t handle corruptions within the party and they plan to lead a constituency? Yeah, keep on dreaming my friends!

OK enough of ‘hentam-ing’. Lets look at the bright side. The result from these by-elections gives a clearer picture of how things are today. It shows that nothing has changed since PRU12, which is better than losing more seats.

This gives Najib a starting point to plot his changes. From here, everyone knows where to start.

But how and what to start with is another question need to be answered.

The cabinet will be a good start. It’ll reflect on the sort of government Najib is leading. Nail this or forever he will lose the rakyat’s trust.

Leaders from all UMNO wings shouldn’t be given any post. They should concentrate and concert their effort in winning back the heart and soul of the rakyat.

Power should be given to entity such as Badan Perhubungan BN Negeri, if there is one. Over time we always hear about Badan Pehubungan UMNO Negeri taking doing most of the action and each component parties have their respective task force.

Since Najib is talking about One Malaysia, why not we establish or give more prominence to Badan Perhubungan BN Negeri. And this should be lead by capable local leaders from any ethnics. This would give clearer signal that BN is about power sharing not monopolized by one party.

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