Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The battle for supremacy is over. Now is the time for him to elect his new cabinet.

MCA has proposed a few names. I’m not sure about MIC but I don’t think they have any bargaining power. Beggars can’t be chooser.

I’m not surprised if there is a lot of lobbying going around in Putrajaya. It’s part of human nature. When we human decide to go for power, we’ll go all out for it. We’ll send flowers, chocolates, greet him at the airport and even wait for him outside the toilet and I’m not surprised either if they’ll go after his mom. Anything goes.

I understand his predicaments. No one like to be in a position where they have to choose.

Whether it’s good or bad, someone has to be left behind and in this case, a few are going to be left behind.

I hope he’ll make good judgement to leave behind all the bad apples. It may limit his choice but at least those chosen are clean.

There are a few difficult choice. Shahrizat may push for a position despite losing the general election. She’ll use her win at the recent UMNO election to seek for a position in the cabinet. So does KJ and Rosnah. I hope they stay put at their respective wing and concentrate at winning back the hearts of Malaysian youngsters. They have a lot of work to do there and I don’t they need another responsibility in the form of Minister-ship.

Another group of people watching at the sideline are the Sabahan. They’ll request more active role in federal government. No one can deny the fact that Sabah currently holds the key to BN’s survival in Parliament. And same goes with UMNNO.

Najib can’t take lightly their contribution at the recent General Election and they want to be rewarded for their loyalty. At least 2 position at Minister level will be courted by them. And I think they deserve it. Denying them their share of the cake is akin to denying their contribution to UMNO. You don’t want to upset the Sabahan.

What about the Menteri Besar club? How many will be retained? Will we see the departure of Ali

Rustam or give him full reign of power to make a return come next UMNO election? Right now

Najib is in an awkward positon. Kicking him out from Melaka is like burning the bridge between the UMNO eleits and the grassroots. No one can deny Ali’s influence at the grassroots. But no one can also deny the hatred towards him outside and to some extent within UMNO. He’s both loved and hated. That’s Ali for you.

But what about other Menteri Besar? I think the safest is Ghani Osman. He seems to be managing the state quite well except for some displeasure with Iskandar Region. They think they gave away Iskandar Region easily to Pak Lah and his superfriends. We’ll wait and see whether Iskandar Region will work out as planned.

Whatever it is, I hope he’ll make wise decision. This is about the country. They’re his generals not Pak Mat, Ah Chong or Muthu in local JKKK or Ruku Tetangga. His decision will determine the direction this country will take. It’s a do-or-die mission. The future of UMNO is in his hands.

We can’t afford to have kitchen cabinet corrupts and laggards to govern this country. Get the best for the country and please no 4th floor clowns gate keeping his office. The rakyat need better access to him after all the rakyat owns him!

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