Friday, January 30, 2009

Sabah, Federal Government and Local Politicians

The federal government has not been doing enough for Sabah?

That’s probably true… but what have all the Sabahan politicians done all these years?

Are the indegenious Sabahan politicians any better off than the peninsula’s politicians? I wonder.

The poor and chaotic situations in Sabah are collective ‘efforts’ for both the federal and state governments for more than three decades.

The illegal immigration issue in Sabah is widespread, it’s a shame that the government are not doing much to coup with this… but is it fair for Badawi and Umno to shoulder all the blames?

What were the likes of Yong Teck Lee doing all these years (including his Chief Minister terms) to deal with this issue?

Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Nik Aziz, and all the Kadazan-Dusun chieftains… what have they done for the past decade or two for the Sabahans?

Nik Aziz never care, LKS only knows how to complain, and Anwar only started to care because he can become a PM.

All these people (including some Sabahan leaders) are just as idiotic as everyone else when it comes to issues in Sabah, none of them are any better than Badawi when it comes to social welfare for Sabahans.

If the federal government is not doing well enough to help the state, by all means kick their ass… the only question is, why wait until now? The ass should have been kicked long time ago.

So, if the BN government had won big again this term, SAPP and YTL would still remain silent and enjoy their honeymoon isn’t it?

Don’t just blame it on the federal leaders my fellow Malaysians, have a look at your local politicians as well.

And if you think Badawi is idiot, think what Mahathir, Anwar and the local leaders had done for you.

(excerpt from

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