Friday, January 30, 2009
Sex and Politician
Now everyone complains about politicians.
Regardless of your political views, most likely you wish and hope that our country could elect candidates who would do better jobs at governing.
Running for national office subjects a person to intense media scrutiny.
If sexual misconduct will disqualify you, then anyone who has had an affair will think twice about running.
We probably lose quite a few potential candidates, including some who would be wise, honest officeholders, before the process even starts.
Politics is a high-risk, high-payoff career, and as such it attracts men with high-testosterone personalities: ambitious, competitive, adventurous, willing to take chances.
And yes, sexually motivated. High testosterone does not promote sexual fidelity.
It makes men want to have more different partners.
On top of the self-selection of adultery-prone men into politics, the opportunities probably increase for a successful politician.
Indeed, part of the attraction of a political career, at least for some men, may be the promise of more women to bed.
Throughout history, kings and other great men have usually had many lovers.
Women are biologically attracted to men of power and authority.
And men of power and authority have a hard time resisting the temptations of large numbers of beautiful women wanting to have sex.
Whatever it is, i personally thinks that politicians are responsible for making and upholding laws
And so if they break laws, perhaps they should be punished!
Sabah, Federal Government and Local Politicians
That’s probably true… but what have all the Sabahan politicians done all these years?
Are the indegenious Sabahan politicians any better off than the peninsula’s politicians? I wonder.
The poor and chaotic situations in Sabah are collective ‘efforts’ for both the federal and state governments for more than three decades.
The illegal immigration issue in Sabah is widespread, it’s a shame that the government are not doing much to coup with this… but is it fair for Badawi and Umno to shoulder all the blames?
What were the likes of Yong Teck Lee doing all these years (including his Chief Minister terms) to deal with this issue?
Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Nik Aziz, and all the Kadazan-Dusun chieftains… what have they done for the past decade or two for the Sabahans?
Nik Aziz never care, LKS only knows how to complain, and Anwar only started to care because he can become a PM.
All these people (including some Sabahan leaders) are just as idiotic as everyone else when it comes to issues in Sabah, none of them are any better than Badawi when it comes to social welfare for Sabahans.
If the federal government is not doing well enough to help the state, by all means kick their ass… the only question is, why wait until now? The ass should have been kicked long time ago.
So, if the BN government had won big again this term, SAPP and YTL would still remain silent and enjoy their honeymoon isn’t it?
Don’t just blame it on the federal leaders my fellow Malaysians, have a look at your local politicians as well.
And if you think Badawi is idiot, think what Mahathir, Anwar and the local leaders had done for you.
(excerpt from
To Become A Wakil Rakyat
What makes a good politician? In order to answer this question, one must first define the word politician.
A politician is defined as one who is actively involved in politics or one who holds or seeks a political office.
Consequently, the definition of a good politician must be someone who does a good job at these things.
For me, a good image is very important for a political candidate to get elected.
We usually make judgments about a person according to the way that he or she dresses, behaves, and expresses his or her opinions.
But to make a good image in politics, a person must work hard, listen to what people need and do that not just promoting own interests, be inclusive, accept good ideas whether they are right wing or left wing.
One that has the fortitude to tackle the hard situations with fervence and integrity, despite the whinging antics of any opposition when it is obvious it is in the best interests of the people they represent.
A politician with good image has the ability to compromise.
Because a politician deals with people with different opinions, the ability to develop cordial and compromising proposals is a huge advantage.
In other words, a politician serves the people using the best ideas and plans from all sources, regardless of political views.
He/She approaches for common ground in every situation.
Because the common good politics is the politics of empowerment; it is the politics that espouses cooperation not competition, the hand up and not just the hand out.
Idea of the common good offers a clear, optimistic and above all progressive vision for the future.
A good politician is one who actually supports the people they represent.
He/She lies when it will benefit the people.
A good politician will work to accomplish everything they promised they would, and has a very good explanation when they fail, and not a lie.
So still want to be a wakil rakyat anybody?
Story about politician, heaven n hell !

His soul reaches the Paradise and found St. Peter at the entrance.
-- "Welcome to Paradise! Before you could get in, there is a little problem... We rarely seen politicians here, you know… So we do not know what to do with you..."
-- "I see, no problem just let me enter." says the politician.
-- "I though I would like to let you in but I have higher orders as it´s known… We will do the following: You pass one day in Hell and one day in Heaven. You can then choose where to spend eternity."
-- "It is not necessary, I have already decided. I want to stay in Heaven." says the politician.
-- "Sorry, but we have our rules."
So, St. Peter takes him to the elevator and he comes down, down to Hell. The door opens up and he sees himself in the middle of a beautiful golf course.
In essence, the club where were all his friends and other politicians with whom he had worked. All very happy.
He was greeted, embraced and then they started to talk about the good times when they got rich at the expense of the people.
They played golf, relaxed and then ate lobster and caviar.
Who was also present was the devil, a very friendly guy who spent all the time dancing and telling jokes. They enjoyed themselves so much that before they realize it was time to go.
After a lot of redundant hugs and words of farewell he enter into the elevator.
He rises, rises and the door opens up again. St. Peter was expecting him.
-- Now it´s the time to visit the Paradise.
He spends 24 hours in paradise among a group of happy souls who go from cloud to cloud playing harps and singing. All went very well and before he noticed the day comes to an end and St. Peter returns.
-- "Now what? You spent one day in Hell and one day in Heaven. Now choose your eternal home."
He thought for a minute and answered:
-- "Look, I never thought to make this decision… The Paradise is very good but I think I'll be much better in Hell."
Then St. Peter takes him back to the elevator and he comes down, down to hell.
The door opens up and he saw himself in the midst of a massive ground full of garbage and a horrible smell. He saw all his friends with the clothes torn and very dirty searching the rubble and putting it in black bags. He also saw some of his friends in dispute to take pieces of rotten food.
The devil put the arm by the politician´s shoulder.
-- "I do not understand?" Mumble the politician. -- "Yesterday I was here and it even had a beautiful golf course, a club, lobster, caviar and we danced and had fun all the time. Now I see that it´s only full of very smelly garbage and my friends are totally tear down!"
The devil looks at him… Ironically smiles and says:
-- "Yesterday we were in campaign season before election. Now we have your vote... I´m sorry, this is the reality!"
Malaysian Politics 101 with Woody Allen

All politicians should worship Woody Allen. Watch his films and it’ll give you basic ideas on “How To Be A Politician!”
I believe some might be wondering who the hell is Woody Allen? And, why him? In my opinion he’s one of the greatest film directors alive.
His films might not be as big and explosive as Michael Bay’s ‘Transformers’ but it can put Optimus Prime to shame with his wit. He has won the Academy Award for Best Director once for his work in ‘Annie Hall’ back in 1977. And he’s quite prolific too.
On average he directs 1 film a year. It shows he has a lot to say about anything and everything.
Take this quote for example:
“Eighty percent of success is showing up” Woody Allen
The quote above proves that he is a genius and can see the future. Some parties cited poor voters turnout as the reason for BN’s loss in Kuala Terengganu.
For me the reason why BN loss in Kuala Terengganu was because no one took Woody Allen seriously.
I don’t think no one in BN ever thought of learning politics from Woody Allen’s films. Take his films seriously and you’ll be a successful politician.
Take ‘Match Point’ for example. The sexy scene on ‘Match Point’ will secure you the winning point or should I say the winning vote. But how? Easy, sleep with your voters!
What about ‘Vicky Christina Barcelona’? Well, it clearly advocates you to flirt. Flirt with strangers. Flirt with your voters if you’re a politician.
“How far will you go to make your dreams come true?” is the tagline from ‘Cassandra’s Dream’.
Watch this film and it’ll educate you on how to make your dream to be a politician come true.
‘Small Time Crook’ will inspire everyone to think big.
In Malaysia, a small time crook can possibly be a big time politician. Watch this and you may be one of them.
‘Anything Else’ is a romantic comedy about an alder guy giving advice to his young protégé on how to tackle girls.
In Malaysia, it’s about a former Prime Minister giving advice to his not-so-young protégé! Listen to that oldman, he has twice as much more sensible things to say than all our current leaders put together.
But there’s one thing you shouldn’t do.
Don’t marry your adopted daughter like he did!
Politics, Politics, Politics
Political power is gained with care, cunning...and political power.
Good politicians invest now to get more power later.
When people band together into coalitions they become more powerful.
'Together we stand, divided we fall', as they say.
The trick with coalitions is to build a core idea around which people cluster.
This may be negative, for example stopping a hated change, or may be positive, such as pushing through a change.
Political power often is build on a system of exchange, where people in a power relationship support one another as needed and perhaps in different ways (possibly even by breaking the rules).
Politics can indeed have a shadow side to it, and such negative means may be gained to garner power.
A surprising number of people have skeletons and more in their closet.
Digging out the dirt is a popular political ploy.
What you do with it next depends on your style.
A political animal will hide the information.
A politically naive person will squander the power it could give, either by not talking about it or by turning it into office gossip.
So What?
Understand the power you have as well as the power of other people.
Use your own power carefully.
Perhaps the greatest power you can have is to get others to use their power on your behalf.
Beware of sleeping dragons: many people will only use their power when aroused.
The most effective power is that used so subtly that people do not realize it is being used.
Power does not have to be used directly: threats are often effective, especially when accompanied by displays of power.
Like gorillas thumping their chests, we seldom need to fight!